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Support of aerospace industry is a proof of Greatness

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Support of aerospace industry is a proof of Greatness

Governor of Guanajuato presented the conference "From Manufacturing to Mindfacture, a Vision of the State of Guanajuato", at the Mexico Aerospace Fai

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Governor of Guanajuato presented the conference “From Manufacturing to Mindfacture, a Vision of the State of Guanajuato”, at the Mexico Aerospace Fair -FAMEX- 2023

Guanajuato is working hard to increase exports in aerospace industry

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Santa Lucía/Gto News

Guanajuato shows its greatness with the impulse of the cluster of the Aerospace Industry, by consolidating itself as the epicenter of industry 4.0 with a favorable ecosystem through Mindfacture.

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The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, gave the conference “From Manufacturing to Mindfacture, a Vision of the State of Guanajuato”, as part of the Mexico Aerospace Fair -FAMEX 2023-.

“Mindfacture in Guanajuato is a competitive advantage for the Aerospace industry and this is not a minor thing because while other States are going to offer land, energy and infrastructure, which we also have, nobody is talking about Mindfacture, the human capital, the capacity development. It is a 30-year proposal, a plan with a planning law, only Guanajuato has that competitive advantage”, said the Governor.

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An example of the talent and Mindfacture in Guanajuato is the company Horizontec, which manufactured the Halcon 2 airplane in Celaya, the first that is one hundred percent Mexican, one hundred percent Guanajuatense airplane and which will have an exhibition flight as part of the activities of the Aerospace Fair of Mexico.

It is an aircraft of the LSA category -Light Sport Aircraft-, a sports aircraft with a basic mission of training, recreational flight and aerial security surveillance.

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The aircraft was designed, developed and manufactured in Mexico. To be able to do it, it has been essential to create an engineering platform –Mindfacture- that has capabilities for:

  • Design, aerodynamic analysis, structural analysis, robust manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, electrical installation, avionics, and engines

Horizontec, the company that developed Halcon 2, is part of the Bajio Aerospace Cluster, formally integrated in 2017 and currently made up of:

  • 16 companies, 10 education institutions, 2 airports, 2 certifying entities, 2 startups and 1 incubator specialized in the aerospace sector

This way, the Bajio Aerospace Cluster has positioned itself within the main clusters of the sector and competes with States such as Queretaro, Chihuahua, Monterrey, Sonora, States that are mainly manufacturers.

In addition, Guanajuato has a consolidated supply chain in the automotive sector that can easily be diversified to the aerospace sector, and currently there are 2 success stories such as Grupo Plasma Automation, in Leon and Boreal, in Apaseo.

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The favorable environment for the development of the Aerospace cluster has academic institutions for the development of talent, such as:

  • IPN, Colegio Aeronautico del Bajio, ITESI, CONALEP, etc. 

These institutions generate:

  • Aeronautical engineers, aircraft maintenance technicians, drone pilot technicians, private pilots and stewards

Guanajuato is the only State of the Mexican Republic that has inscribed in its ephemeris the Day of the Mindfacture. “Mindfacture is a form of innovation that uses knowledge to add value to products or services. It is a public policy with measurable objectives and a transversal strategy, with innovation as its central axis”, said the Governor of Guanajuato.

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In September 2020, the Institute of Innovation, Science and Entrepreneurship for Competitiveness -IDEA GTO- was created.

The Valley of Mindfacture was integrated, it is the ecosystem that Guanajuato decided to create in the last three decades, made up of universities, research centers, incubators, industrial parks, technology parks, industrial clusters, investors, entrepreneurs and investment funds.

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At IDEA GTO, entrepreneurs have:

  • Mentors, incubators, accelerators, innovation parks, etc. 

Also, Guanajuato has the Mentefacturalo Fund of 100 million pesos that has supported:

  • 51 incubation and acceleration projects; 650 pre-incubation projects in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Gyms; 35 new product and solution projects; 350 supports in talent training for mentors and investors: and 10 incubators were promoted in Guanajuato
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FAMEX 2023 is held from April 26 to 29, it is an exhibition where it is planned to host meetings with aerospace companies to increase aerospace exports, both in Mexico and in Guanajuato.

In the Fair there are also:

  • Rectors’ Summit; Seminar on Migration to the Aerospace Industry; Cycle of Technical Conferences; Congress of Women Leaders of the Aeronautical Society and Industry; and Aerospace Education Forum, among other activities
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In addition, there is a pavilion of companies that represent the aeronautical industry of Guanajuato.

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo participated in the inauguration of FAMEX, an act headed by Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of Foreign Relations, who attended on behalf of the President of Mexico.

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FAMEX, an event organized by the Ministry of National Defense -SEDENA-  through the Mexican Air Force, began in 2015 emerging as an initiative to promote Mexico in Economic Development in the national aeronautical sector.

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The Governor of Guanajuato was with Ramon Alfaro Gomez, Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development; Juan Antonio Reus Montano, General Director of IDEA GTO; and Javier Mendoza Marquez, Mayor of Celaya.

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