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SUNCINE is ‘in your hands’

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SUNCINE is ‘in your hands’

The International Environmental Film Festival presents more than 100 movies through the free platform SUNCINE The SUNCINE festival comes to move t

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The International Environmental Film Festival presents more than 100 movies through the free platform SUNCINE

SUNCINE Guanajuato Film Festival
The SUNCINE festival comes to move the emotions of Guanajuatenses

TV4 will offer a special program and will present some of the activities, conferences and webinar

Leon/Gto News

The International Environmental Film Festival -SUNCINE- in Mexico is providing all viewers and those from Guanajuato more than 100 world class movies.


Movie in the distance

The Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, through the Film Commission and the Secretary of Environment and Territorial Order support this event that started on Wednesday –with a new modality in the distance- and ends on November 12th, plus the State Televisora TV4 is participating.

Juan Jose Alvarez Brunel, the Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato, said during the opening message that today Guanajuato has been and will keep being a very important host city of events like this that have been able to innovate and offer film productions to the public in an uninterrupted way.

SUNCINE Guanajuato Film Festival 3
Javier Bardem in Santuario at the SUNCINE Festival

A spark for participation

Maria Isabel Ortiz Mantilla, the Secretary of Environment noted that Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo is trying to have the environmental education to be a spark of citizen’s participation, and said that: “That is why today more than ever in Guanajuato we know about the importance of the environmental topics in our State; our duty with the upcoming generations is to maintain, preserve and protect our natural resources”.

Ortiz said that playing the documental environmental movies during the days of exhibition will have 4 main functions: stimulating and recreational, informative, formative and educational.

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Free access

You can watch some of the movies on TV4 on Channel 4.1. Also, movie fans can access at no cost in a digital form at http://app.suncine.mx/es and enjoy the movies in the different sections of SUNCINEMA.

There are sections for children, teenagers and adults to enjoy movies at home or wherever they are.

SUNCINE Guanajuato Film Festival 4
The SUNCINE Film Festival goes on until November 12th

What you can watch:

Official Section: With 8 movies of Mexican and Latin American production that are competing for the Golden Sun.

Stare Section: They are 76 Mexican and international productions that are competing for the Golden Sun. (Documentals, Fiction, Animated and Educational)

Eco Film Sample: 7 shorts

UN Environment MX: 14 shorts

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A tool to reach your imagination

Claudia Lauria, President of SUNCINE MX, noted that movies are a great tool to reach people’s imagination, since it is based in emotions and, with them, we can make it a habit that reaches more to people.

Juan Aguilera, director of TV4 the State Television, said that today is a reality to bring good quality movies to Guanajuatenses through the platforms of TV4.

“It is a great pride that in 2020, during the pandemic that won’t let us have direct contact, the electronic media let us keep united and go on promoting actions like taking care of the environment”, said Aguilera.

SUNCINE Guanajuato Film Festival 5
Nuria Gago shows her art at the SUNCINE Film Festival

You can enjoy the SUNCINE movies at:

