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Students are assessed by PLANEA

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Students are assessed by PLANEA

High School students will take part in the assessment of the PLANEA program The exam is done by students of last degree of High School Da c

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High School students will take part in the assessment of the PLANEA program

PLANEA ASsessment Guanajuato 2

The exam is done by students of last degree of High School

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Secretary of Education of Guanajuato in coordination with SEP, hold the application of the National Plan for the Evaluation of Learning –PLANEA- on April 5th and 6th with a total of  32,801 students fo the last level of High School, in Guanajuato.

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A complete test

The assessment will be on the fields of Language formation, Communication and Math.

The goal of the PLANEA test is to provide information to Education authorities and Education Institutes on the achievement of key learning on students and contribute in the taking of decisions to improve the school results.

PLANEA ASsessment Guanajuato 3

Assessment for all

The process of the test will include a test on language and communication, use of Math, as well as sets of questions on the context, one for the Principal of the school and the other for participating students.

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The assessment material consists in self-administered tests that students should answer individually based on directions on the frontpage of each booklet with the questions.

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Coordinated Education organisms

It is advised that Education Authorities of the Mexican States apply the exam coordinated with the National Commission for Continuous Improvement of Education, MEJOREDU, of the General Direction of Analysis and Diagnose of Education Achievement of the SEP, the Federal education organism.

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