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Stronger families in Guanajuato

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Stronger families in Guanajuato

Everybody is involved to have better educated and prepared children and teenagers The Alliance GUIA: "Guanajuato United for Children and Adolescen

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Everybody is involved to have better educated and prepared children and teenagers

The Alliance GUIA: “Guanajuato United for Children and Adolescents” is adopted

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF), promotes a strategic plan through Alianza GUIA (Guanajuato United for Children and Adolescents), in which institutions will work to strengthen families through a transversal work between society and government for the care of children and adolescents without parental care or at risk of losing their parents. 

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Children and adolescents

Adriana Ramirez Lozano, President of the State DIF System explained that this strategy seeks to focus efforts on offering preventive services and timely care for children and adolescents in Guanajuato, who are under protection of an institution or at risk within the family nucleus.

This strategy will work to involve civil organizations, institutions of the State Government, Municipalities, the business sector and civil society. Until now, a transversal work has been established between the Ministry of Health through the program Planet Youth and the Ministry of Education, as well as the program Joy of Moving with Mobile Network: Communitary Health and Well Being. 

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United and Strong Families

Alianza GUIA promotes actions that allow the dissemination and promotion of Family Strengthening, Positive Parenting, Foster Care, Adoption and Independent Living, projects that directly benefit children and adolescents who are in the protection of an institution or who are at risk within the family nucleus.

Positive Parenting seeks to reach all families in the state to contribute to the development of optimal parenting skills and abilities, which allow improving interactions between mothers, fathers, daughters and sons, and promote children’s mental health; in addition to promoting family unity and respect, as well as preventing the loss of parental care.


Support for families

Family Strengthening aims to generate comprehensive work for the care of families at risk, with the intervention of a multidisciplinary team for psychological, legal and social care, the negative and harmful effects of multiple stress are mitigated, that is; the family is supported to address, face and improve the various conditions that puts it in a state of vulnerability and with the probability of resulting in the temporary or permanent separation of the girls, boys or adolescents who are members.

A healthy and successful adoption depends on continuous monitoring and accompaniment, as well as having the necessary information for decision making. Together with the Children and Adolescents Protection Agency,  talks are held to raise awareness about the reality of adoption, as well as the importance of having the tools to ensure the rights of those who will be adopted.

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Guarantee safety

The General Director of the Guanajuato State DIF System,  Gerardo Trujillo Flores,  pointed out that the alternative to institutionalization promotes Foster Care as a temporary care option when an urgent separation order is established, after analyzing a possible risk to the families. guarantees safety of children and adolescents. This program promotes the direct participation of society as a Host Family, playing a role of care, protection and attention to the minor under her protection.

He mentioned that the Preparation for Independent Living allows children and adolescents without parental care to be given tools for adult life, with the aim of providing them with opportunities for development and personal growth. This project seeks to provide them with knowledge so that they can take care of themselves and become individuals who know how to interact and be active members of their community.

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An effort of the State

In this sense, the Secretary of Health began the work groups to promote the strategies of Planet Youth and Alianza GUIA, for the intervention of families for the prevention of addictions thanks to the application of positive parenting tools and good parenting practices.

Based on these activities and at the end of each of the Positive Parenting workshops, a “Parental Pact” will be held, aiming to directly involve fathers, mothers and caregivers in the activities, social interactions and education of the girls, boys and adolescents under their care.

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Parents are part of the progream

The State Secretary of Education is also a key part of this strategy, because through the Positive Parenting workshops, the family and bonding relationships of the students will be strengthened. The plan is that groups of parents take these workshops, as well as the teachers in charge of a school group.

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Joy of Moving

The Secretary of Education of Guanajuato (SEG), the State DIF System and the Ferrero Group implement the “Joy of Moving” strategy, which is added to the Mobile Network: Communitary Health and Well Being program intended to be adopted in more than 79 communities. 

At the moment those responsible for the seven regions of the program have been trained, in which it seeks to develop essential skills for life through play and activities focused on movement that stimulate not only motor skills, but also cognitive capacity, emotional and relational of the girls and boys of Guanajuato.

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Alianza GUIA belongs to everyone

This strategy has the mission of adding actors that are decisive so that the children and adolescents of Guanajuato live healthy and safe in their family nucleus, for this reason it promotes participation actions for all.

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