Members of the State Government, the Mayors of Irapuato and of Celaya, visit Singapore The group will work to know strategies of economic developm
Members of the State Government, the Mayors of Irapuato and of Celaya, visit Singapore
The group will work to know strategies of economic development, public policies, sustainable use of water and public transport
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Leon/Gto News
In order to take more Guanajuato to the world and bring more world to Guanajuato, a group of State Officials, and the Mayors of Irapuato and Celaya, traveled to the Republic of Singapore on a work tour February 11th to the 19th, to learn more about the economic strategies, the public policies and the programs that have contributed to the economic development and growth of this country.

The group will exchange knowledge and experience with the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise –SCE-, which was established by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore in 2006 to effectively answer to the foreign requests in the development experience of Singapore.

Guanajuato is working to have collaboration with Singapore, that turns into public strategies and policies of economic development, that contribute to improve the quality of life of Guanajuatenses.
Monday Feb 13th.- On the first day the group will have 3 meetings; the first with the CEO of SCE and the Embassy staff. Then the group has a reunion to know the economic strategies and policies, as well as the favorable environment of the Government for development. After that they will know the importance of having a shared vision to align and coordinate common goals.

Tuesday Feb 14th.- For the second day of activities the group goes to the conference, “Singapore: Living Quarters for a Nation”, on the experience in the use of housing as a strategy to build political and social security for investors; after that they will know the “Urban Sustainable Planification in the Long Term” to take advantage of planification in the use of land to guarantee its optimal use.
On this second day of the tour, the representatives of the State Government will share the conference: Guanajuato – Development as Logistic Center, Transforming logistics from a promoter of commerce to an economic promoter.
After that the Guanajuato group has the conference, “Logistics as an economic engine. Logistics, the blood-line of Singapore?”.
Wednesday Feb 15th.- The third day starts with the conference. “The Story of Water of Singapore”, where the group will know the experience of this Asian country in reducing the dependence on imported water, to become self-sufficient in water. Later, the group will be at the conference: Building a Sustainable and Resilient Nation, with a visual presentation on how Singapore has built a clean place, a Green city and a route towards a net Zero Carbon.
To finish the third day of activities, Mexico’s Embassy will hold a reunion with the Chamber Mexico Singapore to continue with the exchange of experiences.

Tuesday Feb 16th.- On the Fourth Day the Guanajuato group will visit the Gallery of the City of Singapore, where they are part of the “Visualization of the Holistic Focus of the Economy in the Development of Singapore”.
Then they go to the Action Community for Entrepreneurs –ACE- , an organism that works as the national voice of the ecosystem of startups of Singapore, where they will know the experience of Singapore in the construction of an ecosystem of innovation, with the conference “Which are the key players and strategies that Singapore uses to build the innovation ecosystem?”.
Later they go to the Crimson Logic Corporative, to know “The Transformation of a Digital Government” and how Singapore uses digital technology to improve its own competitivenes and promote making business.
Then the State members of the group will visit the Bukit Station Panjang MRT, to understand the function of the world class Public Transport System of Singapore: a Focus of all the government towards the use of land and the development of a system of integrated transport.

Friday Feb 17th: The fifth day starts with the Conference “Planning the Work Force for Investors – Building a relevant and competitive work force for the economy”, also the representatives of the Government of Guanajuato will go to the conference “Education: Setting the bases for work force – The education system and the acclaimed method Mathematics of Singapore, that put this country in the global map”.
After that the group will know the application of the experience of Singapore in the Report of the case of Guanajuato, and then they visit the Poli-Technological of Nanyang (A Factory of Teaching”.
SCE works as part of Enterprise Singapore, the agency of the Government of Singapore that defends the entrepreneurial development and supports the growth of this country as a center for global commerce and new companies.

Participants on this work tour from February 11th to the 19th are:
- Libia Denise Garcia Munoz Ledo, Secretary of Government; Juan Carlos Alcantara, Chief of Staff; Jesus Oviedo Herrera, Secretary of Social and Human Development; Aldo Ivan Marquez Becerra, Vice Secretary of Operation for Human Development; and Alan Sahir Marquez Becerra, Coordinator General of Social Communication; Francisco de Jesus Garcia Leon, Director of the State Commission of Water for Guanajuato; Lorena del Carmen Alfaro Garcia, Mayor of Irapuato; Francisco Javier Mendoza Marquez, Mayor of Celaya; and Marina Alamilla Cruz, Under-Chief of Analysis and Strategic Follow-up
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