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State promotes businessmen and merchants

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State promotes businessmen and merchants

Governor heads delivery of the Support Fund for MIPyMES; this year it is for 25 million pesos Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en

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Governor heads delivery of the Support Fund for MIPyMES; this year it is for 25 million pesos

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Leon/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, made the symbolic delivery to beneficiary companies of the Support Fund for MSMEs, to which 25 million pesos have been allocated this year.


“Today we are here to publicize a support scheme for micro, small and medium-sized companies. We want MSMEs Without Borders, with an attitude and quality products and services that are well received anywhere in the world”, said the Governor.

“Companies without fear of success, that go to conquer new markets trusting and knowing that they are supported and accompanied by experts in foreign trade, for this reason this Support Fund was implemented by the State Government”, said the Governor.

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“We have made the symbolic delivery of these supports to representatives of some of the beneficiary companies in the different categories, and we have listened to their testimony. Their words let us see that we are on the right track, that this public policy has a direct and positive impact on the life of companies”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

This support fund reaffirms the commitment of the Government of Guanajuato to continue promoting exports from the State, but, above all, the commitment to continue promoting MSMEs, so that they continue to be the main source of employment, said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo said that 30 years ago, Guanajuato companies exported products for 300 million dollars; last year exports were 31 thousand 851 million dollars.

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The Governor recalled that three decades ago, a paradigm shift came, with the appearance of a new public policy, a different way of conceiving foreign trade as a pillar of development. The Coordinator for the Promotion of Foreign Trade, COFOCE, appeared on stage.

The results of this joint work between the entrepreneurs and the State Government are compelling. Exports last year present a growth of 18% compared to 2021.

“This great effort to conquer international markets positions Guanajuato as a benchmark at the national level in various areas. For example: we remain in first place as a non-border exporting state”, said the Governor.

Clases master

Rodriguez Vallejo talked proudly about:

  • The first national place in the agro-food sector, with a growth of 24% compared to 2021
  • First national place in the export of leather, footwear and leather goods, with a positive variation of 18% compared to the same previous period
  • Second place in the export of transport, plastic and rubber industries
  • Third place in the export of textile products
  • Sixth State with the highest exports nationwide
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“These are very important achievements that reflect the dynamism of the productive sectors and the growth of our economy. They are the reflection of the efforts of the workers and of the business vision and commitment. Behind Guanajuato’s exports there is a lot of work by people who know the importance of doing things with quality”, said the Governor.

The General Director of COFOCE, Luis Ernesto Rojas, said that the fact that Guanajuato is a benchmark at the national level in terms of exports is thanks to the work of the people of Guanajuato, as well as the generation of jobs and the increase in wealth in MSMEs of Guanajuato.

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Rojas said that the Government of Guanajuato reaffirms its commitment through COFOCE to continue actively promoting the exports of Guanajuato businessmen.

The symbolic delivery was made to representatives of companies such as:

  • Ceramic Processes, Ecolapiz, Hermanos de Sangre (HUANI), Umberto Luce, Berryland, Cicaba (Happy Farmer), Entos, Bixi Awotan, Boreal and Sindashi

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