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State Government and Salvatierra endorse commitment

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State Government and Salvatierra endorse commitment

Secretary Libia Dennise led the inauguration and delivery of streets and supports for farmers More than 35 communities benefited with fertilizers

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Secretary Libia Dennise led the inauguration and delivery of streets and supports for farmers

More than 35 communities benefited with fertilizers and ecological stoves

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Salvatierra/Gto News

The Secretary of Social and Human Development –SEDESHU-, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, the Secretary of Agro-Food and Rural Development -SDAyR-, Paulo Banuelos Rosales and the Mayor of Salvatierra, German Cervantes Vega, held a tour of the municipality to deliver a series of infrastructure works, as well as support for the countryside.

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On behalf of the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, the head of SEDESHU stated that these works represent improving the quality of life of all Salvaterreans.

The officials inaugurated Fray Andres de San Miguel street in San Antonio Emenguaro, where the secretary Libia Dennise pointed out:

  • “I like to talk about the social benefit that works like this have; what we have with this street is a safe place for our families to transit”, said Libia Dennise
SEDESHU Support Infrastructure Salvatierra Guanajuato 3

On behalf of the beneficiaries, Mrs. Juana Camargo said: “I really liked how it turned out because it was a place that was in poor condition; thanks to the Mayor who helped us to have a fine street”.

Subsequently, the Officials arrived at Las Canoas for the delivery of the rehabilitated asphalt access road, also improving the access route to other communities such as:

  • La Palma de Emenguaro, La Virgen, La Huerta, El Carmen, La Lagunilla, Las Cruces, Las Canas, Santa Rosa and El Pirul

Secretary Paulo Banuelos recognized the great teamwork that they have managed to consolidate with SEDESHU and the State municipalities; while Libia Dennise pointed out that Governor Diego Sinhue’s task is to “work for the people.”

SEDESHU Support Infrastructure Salvatierra Guanajuato 4

Later, in the Division del Norte neighborhood, the state and municipal authorities inaugurated Calle Margaritas, specifically rehabilitated through an investment of more than 3.3 million pesos.

Delegate Luz Maria Soto thanked them for the support provided, “we are very grateful to you, here with President German, with you (Libia Dennise), making a team because without you two we would have nothing”.

“When I arrived at the Secretary of Social and Human Development, something was clear to me, and it was that we had to work for the women of Guanajuato and today, this is a sign that we are doing it, the delivery of this street, and more works and more actions are coming for Salvatierra”, said the Secretary of SEDESHU.


As part of the state program ‘My Productive and Sustainable Family’ of the SDAyR, the State and Municipal Government benefited more than 700 Salvaterreans with the delivery of fertilizers and ecological stoves.

“I want to thank the women, the men, good people from the countryside, hard-working people, warring people, in recognition and respect for you, I take my hat off to the friends of the Salvatierra rural community”, said Secretary Paulo Banuelos.

SEDESHU Support Infrastructure Salvatierr5 Guanajuato 4

In this event, Mayor German Cervantes endorsed his commitment to the people of Salvatierra and assured that they will continue to look out for the good of the people in the countryside, “I thank you with all my heart for the support and work of each one of you, because thanks to you, today Salvatierra is standing up”, said the Mayor; at the same time that he thanked the accompaniment of the paisanos in the United States.

Secretary Libia Dennise added:

  • “It doesn’t matter which secretary we are in, we have to team up to work for the people; we are going to continue coming here to bring good news, because we believe in the greatness of the women and men of the countryside, because they spend their time working from sunup to sundown, so the least we can do is correspond to that work”.

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