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State gives hope to Guanajuatenses

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State gives hope to Guanajuatenses

Support for all Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo presents the program “Economic Support to face the crisis of Covid 19” More than 800 million pe

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Support for all

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo presents the program “Economic Support to face the crisis of Covid 19”

More than 800 million pesos will be funneled to support actions of social and economic support against Covid 19

Guanajuato/Gto News

Joining efforts of the State Government and the entrepreneurial sector, the State Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, presented the Program “Economic Support to face the crisis of Covid 19”.

The Governor announced as part of these actions that the payment of Payroll taxes will be delayed, he also announced support for independent workers with the Special Program of Temporary Employment, the Innovative Program of Credits for entrepreneurs, MiPymes and big companies, the Program of Reimbursement of Interests, as well as an extension on payment to students who have credits at Educafin.

These measures will be enforced to protect those who have less resources, it is intended to protect the workers and their employers.

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Contacts for information on the program

Joining efforts

“To achieve these goals, I want to inform you that it is very important to thank and recognize the solidary spirit of entrepreneurs of Guanajuato, who again show with facts their support to our State, since these resources will come from the 0.3% of the Tax on Payroll of 2019 and 2020 which will amount to up to 800 million pesos.

To claim this support the Governor said that Guanajuatenses already have access to websites and telephone numbers of atention of the Secretary of Economic Development, the Funds Guanajuato and the Secretary of Social and Human Development. The operation procedures to have access to these resources will be announced in the upcoming days.


  • The payment of Payroll taxes will be delayed
  • A Special Program of Temporary Employment
  • An Innovative Program of Credits for MiPymes
  • A Program of Reimbursement of Interests
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All sector are on the scope of the program

The best is in the people

“We the Guanajuatenses are united and we are solidary in these moments of emergency, I can tell you that the State Government is acting responsibly facing this challenge that affects all Mexicans and Guanajuato has always shown that the best is in our people”, said the Governor.

“That is why, today I tell the retailers, mid and big entrepreneurs, micro-entrepreneurs, employees in all sectors and workers of services: You count with all my commitment and that of the State Government; we will not leave you alone”, said the Governor.

“I want to speak to you, the ones who are worried every day because if you don’t go out on the street, you have no income; to you, for whom your day’s work is what you give your family as food; to you, who struggle day after day to stretch the money, not for luxuries, but for the needs of your daughters and your sons; to you, who can only cover today’s expenses; I know very well that you can not be without an income a single day, because one day is a lot of time”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo
Governor of Guanajuato
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Rodriguez Vallejo insisted that the State Administration is a Government that listens, and he gave instructions to the Secretary of Finances to apply an extension of payment on the two next months of the Payroll Tax, so that it is payed with no surcharges starting July.

The former, the Governor said, will make it easier for companies to use these resources to maintain jobs, to the benefit of Guanajuatense workers.

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Small, mid and big entrepreneurs are benefited

 Not left alone

The Governor also said that with the Special Program of Temporary Employment, the economy of Guanajuatense families will be supported, and he said: “I want to speak to you, the ones who are worried every day because if you don’t go out on the street, you have no income; to you, for whom your day’s work is what you give your family as food; to you, who struggle day after day to stretch the money, not for luxuries, but for the needs of your daughters and your sons; to you, who can only cover today’s expenses; I know very well that you can not be without an income a single day, because one day is a lot of time”, said the Governor as he tried to give some hope to those struggling on the brink of the pandemic crisis.