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SSPEG and USEmb work for security

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SSPEG and USEmb work for security

The SSPEG of Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini participates in the Round Table: Best Practices in the eTrace System and Trends in Arms Trafficking betwe

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The SSPEG of Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini participates in the Round Table: Best Practices in the eTrace System and Trends in Arms Trafficking between Mexico and the United States

The event, part of the Bicentennial Understanding, was inaugurated by US ambassador Ken Salazar

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Mexico City/Gto News

The Secretary of Public Security of Guanajuato, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, participated as a special guest in the Round Table: Best Practices in the e-Trace System and Trends in Trafficking of Arms between Mexico and the United States, organized by the North American Embassy in Mexico through the Office of Anti-Narcotics and Law Enforcement -INL- of the Department of Justice of that country.

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This event, held as part of the framework of the Bicentennial Understanding on Security, Public Health and Secure Communities, was chaired by the US Ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, with the Undersecretary for Citizen Security and Protection of the Mexican federal government, Luis Rodriguez Bucio; the head of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Attorney General of the Republic, Felipe de Jesus Gallo Gutierrez.

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Also in the event were representatives of the Secretary of National Defense –SEDENA- and the Ministry of the Navy of Mexico; Secretaries of Public Security and Attorneys General of various States of Mexico.

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In this Round Table, there was a macro analysis on the Trends in Arms Trafficking, a topic developed by the Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Agency -ATF- of the Department of Justice of the United States.

They also presented the topic:

  • Mexico Success Stories and the use of eTrace in Forensic Analysis and Cabinet Investigation, with the participation of personnel from the Attorney General’s Office –FGR-. 
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This same topic, but based on the North American experience, was presented by specialized personnel from different security agencies.

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