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SSG holds Nursing Rally in Primary Health Care

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SSG holds Nursing Rally in Primary Health Care

The goal of the Rally is to improve and care for the health of women and children, both born and unborn Más Gto/Guanajuato The Guanajuato Healt

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The goal of the Rally is to improve and care for the health of women and children, both born and unborn

Más Gto/Guanajuato

The Guanajuato Health Secretary holds the “Third edition of the Nursing Rally in Primary Health Care (PHC)”, with a focus on:

  • Pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium

“Primary Health Care (PHC) is an effective strategy to improve the health of the population and reduce health inequities, helping modify social factors”, said the Secretary of Health, Ligia Arce Padilla.

Ligia explained that nursing care on issues of sexuality and reproductive stages directs efforts from a culture of prevention, which allows compliance with the preamble of a safe pregnancy.

The approach in the life line of women and men is integrated into care from the pre-pregnancy stage in order to take care of health, detect risk factors that can be corrected or managed.

And a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery and postpartum period are achieved, and upon receiving a healthy newborn; laying the foundations to improve health conditions in families in Guanajuato.

This Rally was held to strengthen Nursing practice by applying Primary Health Care and the “Health Promotion” strategy.

Besides developing training strategies with simulation of cases in which nursing contributes to the preservation of Maternal and Perinatal Health, and this in turn is reflected in the reduction of Maternal Death (MMR).

Participating in the Rally were ISAPEG Nursing staff from the 8 Health Jurisdictions, 42 Communities, General and Specialty Hospitals.

Nursing Rally Guanajuato Gto Health Sustem