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Spacio i: Open innovation community

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Spacio i: Open innovation community

Knowledge and exprience is shared to generate business models with a global and innovative vision Communities are created to foster the growth of

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Knowledge and exprience is shared to generate business models with a global and innovative vision

Communities are created to foster the growth of entrepreneurs

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Leon/Gto News

Of the most important elements in any entrepreneurial ecosystem are communities, thanks to them entrepreneurs can find a place with people who have similar interests, goals and values.


Spacio i is a community led by COPARMEX LEON working to connect and evolve entrepreneurship, through sharing experiences and knowledge that allow redesigning business models towards a global and innovative vision. Currently more than 90 entrepreneurs are part of it and month after month they are at presentations and networking sessions.

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In this session participated, Alejandro Zuniga, Managing Partner of the Innovation Research Center and CEO of Be Creatix. Zuniga presented the talk “The importance of the development of non-linear thinking in entrepreneurship processes.”

Zuniga explained that nonlinear thinking consists of balancing both hemispheres of the brain, since due to culture and the education model, the common denominator of people is that they usually develop linear thinking: this consists of developing the left hemisphere (logical mathematical) in greater proportion than the right (creative).

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“The excess of rationality generates neuronal rigidity; on the other hand, nonlinearity produces neuronal plasticity. Non-linear thinking is a result of cognitive development, which speeds up the production of information, in addition to stimulating critical thinking” commented the speaker, said Zuniga.

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The CEO of Be Creatix said that non-linear business models also keep the balance between rationality and creativity and that in incubation processes it is just as important to evaluate the skills and attitudes of the entrepreneur, as well as to validate the business models.

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