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Sore throat? Could be the virus

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Sore throat? Could be the virus

The top symptom that could be Covid is a sore throat, according to data from 17,500 people who said they had tested positive for the virus this week,

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The top symptom that could be Covid is a sore throat, according to data from 17,500 people who said they had tested positive for the virus this week, reported BBC. The next most common symptoms reported were headache, blocked nose and cough. A high temperature or fever and loss of smell or taste, ones which the NHS list high up as likely Covid symptoms, were far less common. A hoarse voice, sneezing, tiredness, muscle aches and dizziness scored higher. The top 10 Covid symptoms, in descending order, according to the data from the Zoe App study are:

  • Sore throat – reported by 58%
  • Headache – 49%
  • Blocked nose – 40%
  • Cough no phlegm – 40%
  • Runny nose – 40%
  • Cough with phlegm – 37%
  • Hoarse voice – 35%
  • Sneezing – 32%
  • Fatigue – 27%
  • Muscle pains/aches – 25%

Symptoms fit with what other research scientists have been seeing, reported BBC.

The React-1 study has, each month, been sending 150,000 randomly selected people across England swab tests to do at home. Findings from that show the symptoms people have with Covid have changed as the pandemic has evolved. It could be down to how the virus has been changing or mutating over time, scientists believe. The React-1 researchers, from Imperial College London, say loss of sense of smell and taste appears to be less common with this variant, as reported by BBC.


Watch against contagion

In the last 24 hours 1,830 new cases of contagion and 2 deaths caused by Covid 19 were reported by State and Health Authorities. Contagion is being watched in Guanajuato and cases of contagion reported are over 1,800 in the last 24 hours, while there were 2 deaths reported. Authorities maintain the color of activities in the GREEN easing restrictions on activities, both leisure and work.

State Health Authorities insist that Guanajuato should maintain health protection.

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