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SMEI finds 111 Guanajuatenses stranded in Acapulco

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SMEI finds 111 Guanajuatenses stranded in Acapulco

The secretary said that they are trying to contact other Guanajuatenses in the area Guanajuato/Gto News After the damage caused by the passa

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The secretary said that they are trying to contact other Guanajuatenses in the area

Guanajuato/Gto News

After the damage caused by the passage of Hurricane “Otis” in Acapulco, Guerrero, the government of Guanajuato, through the Migrant Secretary and International Affairs –SMEI-, found more than 100 Guanajuatenses who were stranded and cut off from communication.


Susana Guerra Vallejo, head of the SMEI, reported that her agency established communication with the municipal authorities in Acapulco and Guerrero, who reported that the damage continues, however, they said that there is already access to the port through the Metlapil highway and through the Maxi-tunnel.

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“The instruction of Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo is to provide all the support and help that is necessary so that the return of all these people to Guanajuato is safe”, said Guerra.

Among the stranded Guanajuatenses there is a group of students who attended a mining conference. The University of Guanajuato reported that: 39 people already arrived in Guanajuato on Thursday in a UG truck and 64 more people were on their way back.

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Guerra explained gthat the department under his charge established contact with 4 groups of people, among which are a married couple, a woman who was staying in an Airbnb and 4 older adult women and with the University of Guanajuato

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Guerra Vallejo said that this group had delays due to traffic and some incidents on the road that do not imply any major risk.

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She said that only one of the teachers stayed in Acapulco because a van could not travel due to major damage, however, it is reported that in the next few hours he will return on one of the buses.

“At this time, personnel from the Migrant Secretary and International Liaison are seeking to make contact with some of the teachers who are coming with the bus and with relatives of the students to estimate the arrival times to the State of Guanajuato and to provide some additional support.”

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