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SMAOT works to improve waste management

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SMAOT works to improve waste management

Purisima del Rincon, Manuel Doblado and San Francisco del Rincon generate 170 to 180 tons of urban solid waste a day SMAOT offers support with tra

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Purisima del Rincon, Manuel Doblado and San Francisco del Rincon generate 170 to 180 tons of urban solid waste a day

SMAOT offers support with training and technical advice

Guanajuato/Gto News

The municipalities of Purisima del Rincon Manuel Doblado, and San Francisco del Rincon will join forces to improve the disposal of their waste, accompanied by the Secretary of Environment and Territorial Planning -SMAOT-.

Maria Isabel Ortiz Mantilla, head of the agency, led a first meeting with the municipal presidents, where they committed to take actions to improve the management of Urban Solid Waste -MSW-, which amounts to approximately 170 to 180 tons per day.

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Mayors Roberto Garcia Urbano, of Purisima del Rincon; Blanca Haydee Preciado Perez, of Manuel Doblado and Alejandro Antonio Marun Gonzalez, of San Francisco del Rincon; accepted technical advice from SMAOT for the operation of final waste disposal sites and cleaning services, in addition to a model of collection campaigns for special handling waste, among other electronics and out-of-use tires.

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The secretary committed to supporting municipal administrations and their public service areas, with training on environmental education for the prevention and management of waste, to increase the valorization of waste and reducing its generation per capita. 

In addition advice and monitoring will be carried out for the development and updating of Municipal Programs for the Prevention and Comprehensive Management of Urban Solid Waste -PMPGIRSU-.

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The SMAOT also offered technical training on comprehensive waste management through the Continuous Improvement Group -GMC- and technical advice for the integration and implementation of operation manuals for final disposal sites.

Ortiz Mantilla recognized the will and interest of the mayors, highlighting their interest both in the benefit of their own municipalities and that of the region.

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The Government of the State of Guanajuato, through the Secretary of Environment and Territorial Planning, reaffirms with these actions its commitment to promoting transversal public policies of sustainable practices and provides its support to initiatives that seek to improve the environment.

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