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SMAOT prevents and avoids grass burning

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SMAOT prevents and avoids grass burning

Maria Isabel Ortiz Mantilla, head of SMAOT, called on citizens to protect the environment and their health as the winter cycle begins Historically

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Guanajuato protects the environment

Maria Isabel Ortiz Mantilla, head of SMAOT, called on citizens to protect the environment and their health as the winter cycle begins

Historically, this season represents a complex situation because of the dispersion of pollutants

Guanajuato/Gto News

The State Government, through the Ministry of Environment and Territorial Planning –SMAOT-, works with municipalities, organized society and federal authorities to start the Winter Season Program 2023-2024.


The head of SMAOT, Maria Isabel Ortiz Mantilla, called on citizens to participate in caring for the environment and their health during as the winter cycle starts since historically it represents a complex situation given the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants, combined with industrial and economic activity, as well as the celebrations of the season that affect air quality.

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In the last three years, all of the environmental precontingency and preventive phases for PM10 activated occur in the winter season and 65% of the days that do not comply with the provisions of the NOM for environmental health are registered, particularly for PM10.

The sources that contribute to this situation are: burning of grasslands, vacant lots, agricultural waste, burning of fireworks, garbage and bonfires, in addition to the traffic of vehicles on unpaved roads, movement of materials in public works, increased activity due to seasonal festivities, among other.

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From SMAOT, coordinated work is established with municipalities, Environmental areas, Civil Protection, Public Works, Transit; Private initiative under state and federal jurisdiction; civil, education, and events organizations, Secretary of Agro-food and Rural Development –SDAyR- and Irrigation Modules.

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Through the SMAOT sessions are held with municipalities, support is provided to municipalities for the development of their plan, winter season attention, integration of statistical data on open burning, personalized sessions with municipalities for attention to final disposal sites, integration of an operational directory for coordinated attention to burning and sending communications to mayors when pollutant levels increase.

All these actions come with the participation of Guanajuatenses who can participate if they:

  • Do not make bonfires
  • Do not use pyrotechnics
  • Do not burn stuff on New Year’s Eve
  • Sweep and water the front of your house with reused water
  • Plan your routes, avoid contributing to road congestion
  • Avoid driving on unpaved roads
  • Avoid cooking food with firewood or charcoal
  • Use Christmas LED lights for decoration
  • Report burning at 911, and/or to the environmental area of ​​your municipality

Stay informed on the air quality in your municipalities at the EcoApp and the monitoring system:

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