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Sign Language is improved

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Sign Language is improved

Communication and inclusion of this social sector is promoted, as the National Day of the Deaf is commemorated "We are consolidating an Inclusive

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Communication and inclusion of this social sector is promoted, as the National Day of the Deaf is commemorated

“We are consolidating an Inclusive Guanajuato”, said Director of INGUDIS

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Guanajuato/Gto News

During the commemoration of the National Day of the Deaf, Guanajuato incorporated neologisms or new words into the Mexican Sign Language for this hearing impaired community in Guanajuato.


In the act this November 28, 6 expressions that did not traditionally exist in this language were presented and given the current need of its speakers, the expressions were elaborated with a collaborative action of the community of deaf people of Guanajuato.

Deaf Sign Language INGUDIS Guanajuato 3

“In order to facilitate the interaction, communication and social inclusion of those who live in this condition in our State, we promote a more inclusive society with these neologisms that are the following: cold front, alarm, temporary shelter, smoke detector, structural fire and first aid, within the semantic field of civil protection”, said Jose Grimaldo Colmenero, director of INGUDIS.

Colmenero said that the collaborative project with this sector of the population and the government of Guanajuato, “through INGUDIS, Civil Protection and the State Training Institute, makes us proud because it is a team work, which we present to society in the commemoration of this important date”.

Clases master

The purpose is to raise awareness among the general population about the different obstacles experienced by people with hearing disabilities and promote actions to be fairly included in society.

This event was held at the State Congress facilities with various activities alluding to the social inclusion of this sector. The commemoration of the National Day of the Deaf in Mexico arises every November 28 as a result of the founding of the National School for the Deaf, by decree of President Benito Juarez in 1867.

Deaf Sign Language INGUDIS Guanajuato 4

In Guanajuato there are:

  • Approximately 3,660 people with hearing disabilities
  • 738 with total deafness

The causes are:

  • Congenital 1942
  • Accident 132
  • Disease 1,129
  • Hereditary 108
  • Violence 9
  • Other causes 340

Since its creation, the Guanajuato Institute for People with Disabilities has promoted the Mexican Sign Language through teaching it to the different State Government agencies.

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