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SICOM will add 1.7 km to Timoteo Lozano bulevard

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SICOM will add 1.7 km to Timoteo Lozano bulevard

The construction of the Timoteo Lozano boulevard in the southern area of ​​Leon will reduce traffic on Airport boulevard. The construction will be de

A new boulevard for Leon
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The construction of the Timoteo Lozano boulevard in the southern area of ​​Leon will reduce traffic on Airport boulevard. The construction will be decided on December 1st with an estimated investment of some 121 million pesos

Guanajuato/Gto News

It will be the first day of December, when the Secretary of Infrastructure, Connectivity and Mobility –SICOM-, will notify the failure of the national public tender, for the construction of 2 sections of Timoteo Lozano Boulevard, with a total length of 1.7 km, in the southern area of ​​Leon.

For this important work that will help in reducing vehicular traffic on Airport Boulevard, the State Government plans to invest some 121 million pesos, reported the head of SICOM, Tarcisio Rodriguez Martinez; who added that an execution period of 240 calendar days is estimated. Rodriguez added that these figures may vary according to the project that wins the tender.

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On Thursday, November 9, the call for bidding for the construction of this work was published, through which companies specialized in the execution of road infrastructure works are invited to participate.

This way a commitment established by the Governor of Guanajuato Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo with the families of Leon, is fulfilled, and motorists will have an alternative road to the Airport Boulevard, to enter or leave the city, which will speed up circulation in the main access to the City.

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The work includes the construction of the boulevard based on hydraulic concrete, with a total length of 1.7 kilometers that begins at the Tajo de Santa Ana and ends at La Laborcita boulevard; the boulevard will have a section (total width) of 40 meters, with 6 traffic lanes, 3 lanes in each direction, each 3.50 meters wide.

The boulevard will have a 13-meter central median that includes a 3-meter-wide cycle path in the center and sidewalks on both sides of 3 meters each; the work includes operational signage, water lines, sewage, storm sewers and lighting, as well as the installation of underground telephone lines.