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Health services are closer to migrants

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Health services are closer to migrants

Gto Health System presents the Migrant Health Fair in Penjamo Pénjamo/Gto News The Gto Health System provided promotion and prevention services

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Gto Health System presents the Migrant Health Fair in Penjamo

Pénjamo/Gto News

The Gto Health System provided promotion and prevention services through Health Fairs to protect this sector of the population and their families.

At this time of year, paisanos who work abroad return to Guanajuato to visit their loved ones and for this reason, the VI Health Jurisdiction organized a Health Fair that was held in the Main Square of Penjamo considered a municipality with a high level of migration.

At the site, health personnel installed information and care modules on topics such as:

  • Oral health, vaccines, national health cards, mental health, dengue prevention, diabetes and hypertension, among other
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A protocol event was organized to inform attendees of the importance of staying healthy during their stay and return abroad.

Present were Luis Fernando Ramirez Dominguez, head of the Migrant Health component in Health Jurisdiction VI; Blanca Alvarez Branbilia Director of the Municipal Women’s Institute representing the Penjamo City Council and Miguel Angel Villalpaldo Director of CESSA who gave the official start of the event. The Migrant Club of the Zapote de Cestau Community in Penjamo participated in the event.

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Throughout the year, the first level care units of the GTO Health System offer comprehensive care to the migrant population and their families.

In the Municipalities that make up Health Jurisdiction VI, which are:

  • Abasolo, Cueramaro, Huanimaro, Irapuato, Penjamo and Pueblo Nuevo
  • 5,357 comprehensive consultations were granted to the migrant population