Corps coordinate on security matters, prior to the next 51st edition of the International Cervantino Festival, to be held October 13 to 29 The sec
Corps coordinate on security matters, prior to the next 51st edition of the International Cervantino Festival, to be held October 13 to 29
The security and emergency forces will operate with 1,189 elements and 95 units
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Guanajuato/Gto News
Prior to the 51st edition of the International Cervantino Festival to be held from the 13th to the 29th of this month and which will be held in the city of Guanajuato, authorities from the three levels of Government held a meeting coordination on security matters where it was determined that to guarantee the proper development of the FIC, there will be up to 1,189 elements and 95 units.

On behalf of the Secretary of Public Security of the State, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, Undersecretary Martin Octavio Luque Lucio chaired this coordination meeting.

Participating in the reunion were:
- The FIC Organizing Committee, the Mexican Army, the National Guard, the SSPEG through the General Commissariat of the State Public Security Forces, the State Coordination of Civil Protection and the C5i State System, the State Attorney General’s Office and the Federal Attorney General’s Office
Likewise, on behalf of the Guanajuato Health Secretary, the State Emergency System -SUEG- and the Medical Emergency Reference Center -CRUM- took part.

While the Municipal Government of Guanajuato had the presence of the Secretary of Citizen Security with its areas of Police, Traffic, Civil Protection, Municipal Firefighters, as well as Volunteer Firefighters and the Local Red Cross. The Municipal Inspection Directorate was also present.
At this meeting, the Systemic Operational Plan was presented in order to address all issues related to security and possible emergencies.
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