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Secretaries and Universities united for high-end education

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Secretaries and Universities united for high-end education

Guanajuato will promote world-class education with the "100 million apprentices" initiative The program brings closer high quality courses that wi

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Guanajuato will promote world-class education with the “100 million apprentices” initiative

The program brings closer high quality courses that will be available 24/7 for students

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Leon/Gto News

Through the Secretaries of Education, Migrants and International Affairs and the UVEG, a collaboration agreement was signed for the government of Guanajuato to host the global initiative “100 million of apprentices.

Clases master

Daniela Monroy Gonzalez, director of Business Development of Latin America, Thunderbird School of global Management, explained that the strategy provides free and accessible world-class education in 40 languages, with an emphasis on the participation of women and will offer the three programs in Guanajuato Online education courses for personal and professional development with a special focus on entrepreneurship and innovation.

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“This is the boldest and most ambitious initiative for global education in the history of higher education. I want to thank the government of Guanajuato, our partners in Mexico, for publicizing this initiative in the country and for their commitment to transparently develop activities that benefit the business sector and the Guanajuato community in general”, said Monroy Gonzalez.

The Director explained that these programs are promoted by the Thunderbird School of Global Management -Thunderbird-, considered the number 1 in International Trade issues worldwide, and the Arizona State University –ASU-, the institution in the first position in the innovation ranking in the U.S.

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The Base Training Program has content suitable for learners with any level of formal and informal education and is distributed as follows:

  • The Intermediate Program with content at junior high school, high school and university level
  • The Advanced Program with master’s level content

The first program, Base Training, is designed for students of any formal education level and is already available in Spanish. 

The Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Bootcamp course of the ‘ 100 Million Apprentices’ initiative is designed to promote the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit in apprentices. 

The other two programs will be enabled in the course of 2023.


And the Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation Bootcamp that has a focus on global dynamics in this era of disruption and accelerated change. The program that will be enabled this month has eighteen key topics necessary for the success of the entrepreneur in this Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Daniela Monroy said that this Base Training program has an estimated duration of 30 hours and students will have one year from the moment they register to complete it. 

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“From Guanajuato, Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo promoted the Pact for Education with which he seeks to recover the lost ground in education matters during the Covid 19 pandemic. It is an effort that opens the doors to progress and development. I am sure that this agreement that we signed with the Thunderbird School of Global Management (Thunderbird) and Arizona State University will greatly add to this commitment that we are making in Guanajuato”, said Juan Hernandez, Secretary for Migrants and International Affairs –SMEI- of Guanajuato.

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The head of the SMEI said that with the joint work and with the aim of strengthening efforts, more people have access to first-line training alternatives, this gives them the opportunity to update themselves and advance in their careers or entrepreneurial projects. .

Jorge Hernandez, Secretary of Education said that the trend towards virtualization is not a trend that will soon be forgotten at the end of the Covid 19 pandemic, today in Guanajuato and in many of the states or countries they take advantage of technology to be able to reach regular education students, who want to have an alternative in high school or university.

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“Today, it is a great momento to remember that when we want to scale things, when we want to go far, virtuality is a very good alternative because it requires, like other tasks, less human intervention, it is scalable and the quality is very high”, said the Secretary of Education.

In his message, Ricardo Narvaez, Rector of the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato, UVEG said that for this innovative initiative that aims to reach 100 million apprentices, the institution in charge will offer and promote these courses to more than 150 thousand students who are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree.

For more information, registration and programs visit:

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