The strategy bets on developing of talent, the creation of formal jobs, strengthens income and promotes an organized and participatory society Emp
The strategy bets on developing of talent, the creation of formal jobs, strengthens income and promotes an organized and participatory society
Employment and recruitment windows are set up in the Centers
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Irapuato/Gto News
With the installation of 58 employment windows in the different “Guanajuato Contigo Sí Centers” the placement of job seeking centers in Guanajuato is facilitated.

The Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development -SDES- makes these modules available to Guanajuatenses located in 32 municipalities.

This program is part of the “GTO Contigo Si” strategy that works to bring job offers closer through employment and recruitment windows, as well as provide training to develop the talent of Guanajuatenses, increase their job skills and encourage them to generate their own business.

Ramon Alfaro Gomez, head of the SDES, highlighted that with this new strategy led by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, citizens are offered the tools that allow them to access new job opportunities, also strengthening the professional development of Guanajuato residents.

Through the 58 employment linking centers, users can access vacancies offered by established companies or the ones that are about to establish themselves in Guanajuato, so that they have more job placement options.
In addition to being able to provide a space for conducting training workshops that contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of Guanajuatenses.

These centers are located in 32 of the municipalities in Guanajuato.
Those interested may find their nearest center at:
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