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SDES brings job opportunities to the Laja-Bajio region

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SDES brings job opportunities to the Laja-Bajio region

Guanajuato is positioned as the 5th. strongest economy in Mexico, thanks to the tireless work of its people and companies Job seekers are lin

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Guanajuato is positioned as the 5th. strongest economy in Mexico, thanks to the tireless work of its people and companies

Job seekers are linked in an agile and direct way with the participating companies

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Celaya/Gto News

With the offer of more than a thousand vacancies and the participation of 50 companies, the second Labor Link 2023 was held in Celaya, for the benefit of the inhabitants of the area Laja-Bajio.

Clases master

The State Government, headed by Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, aims to assist job seekers to facilitate their insertion in the labor market, through linking, training and training services, thereby contributing to the strengthening of the employability and economic growth in the region.

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The head of the Secretariat for Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, Ramón Alfaro Gómez said that employment is a fundamental part of the development of our families, which is why the role of government, in addition to being more empathetic and close, is to be a facilitator of opportunities with programs that respond to the demands of citizens to improve their quality of life.

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This event was attended by 50 leading companies in various sectors, including Grupo Prodensa, Sears, TSM de Celaya, Mabe, Hutchinson, Transmecanica Everest, Soriana, Bachoco, Molinera de Mexico, Proteinas y Oleicos, Adecco, among other

These companies offered a wide range of jobs, ranging from operational levels to professionals.

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The attendees had the opportunity to present their applications, participate in interviews and learn about current labor demands in the State.

The State Government, announced that through the Secretary for Sustainable Economic Development, continues to work to provide employment opportunities and improve the quality of life of Guanajuatenses.

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