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Schools receive Symbols of Guanajuato

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Schools receive Symbols of Guanajuato

500 education institutions representatives in Region III Leon receive the Flag of the State of Guanajuato Leon/Gto News Education institutions

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500 education institutions representatives in Region III Leon receive the Flag of the State of Guanajuato

Leon/Gto News

Education institutions received from the hands of education authorities the flag and flagpole of Guanajuato, with the purpose of promoting and encouraging the symbols of the State, in an emotional and significant civic act.

The directors of the 500 schools, from the III Leon Regional Education Delegation, received the state flag and each of them committed to its care and protection, since it represents the pride of being part of this State that, in addition, as part of the 200 years of greatness and being a free and sovereign state, generates a sense of belonging to each student not only of their school, but of their municipality and of Guanajuato.

During the honors ceremony, Professor Teodoro Soriano de la Luz, director of General Secondary School number 17 and host of the event took the oath of allegiance to the Flag.

Honors were paid to the flag, both national and State, in the presence of the directors, who upon receiving the flag of Guanajuato, will seek to strengthen civic values ​​in their schools, since also having them present offers a series of significant benefits for teachers and students, and provide the opportunity to develop a sense of responsibility, commitment and discipline and coordination and teamwork, since it ultimately reinforces values ​​such as respect for national symbols and civic responsibility .

The Secretary of Education, Jorge Enrique Hernandez Meza, gave the five directors representing each of the education levels the flag of Guanajuato and said: “By handing over this flag, you are entrusted with the highest responsibility of guarding it with honor and respect, keeping its meaning alive in your hearts and actions.”

In the civic event, the anthem of the State of Guanajuato was sung by the monumental choir of the Leon Regional Delegation, made up of more than 40 students from various public institutions who, for the first time, sang it before the education community, promoting the commitment to continue singing the beautiful composition in all schools. Education authorities praised the symbols of Guanajuato by briefly explaining how they were created, designed, written and intoned, since they represent each of the Guanajuatenses.