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<strong>Schools are made more secure</strong>

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Schools are made more secure

SEG adopts strategies so that schools continue to be the safest and healthiest spaces Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español

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SEG adopts strategies so that schools continue to be the safest and healthiest spaces

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Guanajuato/Gto News

The Secretary of Education of Guanajuato focuses its efforts and actions on promoting safe and healthy spaces, where a culture of peace and healthy coexistence is lived, so that the school continues to be the safest place for girls, children, adolescents and young people, to stay in school, to learn and to grow as people.

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In this context and as part of the Social Pact for Education and the Gobierno Contigo Si strategy, the SEG in enforcing a historic boost to peaceful school coexistence, during the current school year, through training, promotion and management strategies. for the culture of peace and respect for human rights in schools.

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SEG will continue to enforce the Protocol for the Prevention of Entry and Detection of Prohibited Objects and Substances to avoid risky behaviors in basic and upper secondary schools; the program is known as “Mochila Segura”, with a preventive and consensual approach, abiding to the protection of human rights and, above all, for the benefit of the education community.

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Given the risks to which students are exposed in the environments where they live, the SEG makes a strong and urgent appeal to mothers and fathers to support the mental health of students, so that the first revision of backpacks and what the minor takes to school is done at home and be aware of their trip to school, their academic performance and their socio-emotional state.

It is also important to guide your daughters and sons about the serious health risks from the consumption of controlled substances, the inappropriate consumption or without medical supervision and irresponsible use of drugs, which can cause effects that could put health and life at risk.

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Parents are asked to tell the children how much they are loved and say goodbye with affection; as well as to be alert to risks in social networks or in the environment.

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Organisms of health, sports and culture promote to intensify cultural, sports and recreational activities, to positively use the free time of the students.

The SEG makes available the Protocol for the Prevention of Entry and Detection of Prohibited Objects and Substances to avoid risky behavior in basic and upper secondary schools, at: 

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