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San Miguel is awarded again

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San Miguel is awarded again

A good work is done by authorities and service providers San Miguel de Allende in Guanajuato was awarded as the second best city in the world by t

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San Miguel de Allende 2
A good work is done by authorities and service providers

San Miguel de Allende in Guanajuato was awarded as the second best city in the world by the World’s Best Awards 2020

The tourist destination in the Heart of Mexico is ready for its partially programmed reactivation starting next July 15 under strict health protocols

San Migue de Allende/Gto News

San Miguel de Allende made it to the second place in the list of Best City in the World in the awards World’s Best Awards 2020 of the international magazine Travel + Leisure. This is the fourth time that San Miguel de Allende reaches the top posts of the world ranking.

Also, the city was recognized as the second Best City of Mexico, only after Oaxaca, they recognized the quality of the experiences San Miguel de Allende offers and the exclusivity of its services.


The best hotels

Besides, among the 5 Best City Hoteles in Mexico three are located in San Miguel de Allende:

  • Hotel Amparo, on the top of the list
  • Hotel Matilda, the second place and
  • Rosewood San Miguel de Allende, in the 4th place.

In the category Best Hotel in the World, Hotel Amparo went to the second place in the global list of 100 hotels.

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The effort and commitment of all make it posible that we build the greatness of Mexico through this noble economic activity

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, Governor of Guanajuato

A world referral

“For Guanajuato it is exciting that San Miguel de Allende maintains itself as a referral of the tourist destinations in the world, given the sustainable administration of its cultural patrimony, its extraordinary gastronomy and its magnificent hotels. The quality of its tourist services and the warmth of its people are well known in the whole world. The effort and commitment of all make it posible that we build the greatness of Mexico through this noble economic activity”, said Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, Governor of Guanajuato.

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San Miguel de Allende offers unique attractions

An award to the City

Mayor of San Miguel de Allende, Luis Alberto Villarreal, said that “for San Miguel de Allende, staying in the list year after year in the prestigious World’s Best Award is very important. It is an award to the great experiences our city offers, and that leads us to take very seriously our place in the world scenario and to work hard to maintain it”, said the Mayor.

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Safe travel

San Miguel was also awarded the seal of aproval “Safe Travel” granted by the World Travel and Tourism Council, which recognized the adoption of health and higyene protocols standarized in the world.

Receiving this international seal proves San Miguel de Allende as an outstanding destination, and it adds on to previous efforts of the City, which created the certificates “Health First” to standardize the compliance of the strict security measures imposed to tourist posts in the City.

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San Miguel de Allende at night

Attractions still unknown

While we renovate and adapt San Miguel de Allende to today’s needs of travelers, we are anxious to show the secrets of this destination that are perhaps still unknown to many”, said Laura TorresSeptien, President of the Tourism Council of San Miguel de Allende.

“People know San Miguel de Allende for its architecture or for being the ideal place for a romantic getaway, but we also have many outdoor activities”, said Laura Torres.

Declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, San Miguel de Allende is one of the few cities all over the world that year after year makes it to the list of the World’s Best Awards.

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Everyone wants to come to San Miguel de Allende

Taking all the care

San Miguel de Allende has strictly observed the quarantine and the health protection measures since March, and it was closed to non residents these last months.

On June 27th it was announced that hotels could accept reservations with a partial opening starting Juy 15th.

“We are very responsible with our citizens and our visitors, that is why we decided to only reopen hotels at 40% of their capacity for now. And only those hotels that have all the City certificates will be allowed to open, the certificates avail the higyene measures. We take so seriously our place in the world, as we take yours when you are with us”, said Luis Alberto Villarreal.

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