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San Miguel de Allende has a new bridge

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San Miguel de Allende has a new bridge

La Cieneguita received an investment of more than 82.4 million pesos The Governor annouced more infrastructure for SMA Da click en el link al f

The Leon-Silao is reduced at Comanjilla
Governor inaugurates Vehicular Bridge in Leon
Governor delivers works in Pueblo Nuevo

La Cieneguita received an investment of more than 82.4 million pesos

The Governor annouced more infrastructure for SMA

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San Miguel de Allende/Gto News

The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, inaugurated the La Cieneguita Vehicular Bridge that will provide better connectivity and mobility to the inhabitants of this area of ​​the Municipality.


“Citizens trust that works are completed and this is proof of it. Today you have a bridge that will give you a great benefit and a better quality of life for you and your families”, said the Governor.

San Miguel de Allende Infrastructure 3

This bridge was built by the Secretary of Infrastructure, Connectivity and Mobility –SICOM-, as part of the actions of the State Government to promote the development and economic reactivation of Guanajuato.

More than 82.4 million pesos were invested, and more than 72,400 inhabitants of San Miguel Allende and the Region will be benefited; it is estimated that the road has a capacity of more than 2,500 vehicles a day.

San Miguel de Allende Infrastructure 5

This renewed access to the City that passes over the Laja River towards the former Railway Station, consisted of the construction of a vehicular bridge 96 meters long by 16 meters wide, with two traffic lanes, bicycle path, shoulder, sidewalks, garrisons and transport stops.

In promoting the development of San Miguel de Allende, the Governor said that by 2023 there are important projects, including the construction of the Silao-San Miguel de Allende highway, which will start from the Guanajuato Bicentenario Park to the La Cieneguita bridge crossing; here more than 4 billion pesos will be invested.

San Miguel de Allende Infrastructure 4

He said that the super Boulevard San Miguel de Allende-Dolores Hidalgo will also be built, with an investment of more than 2 thousand 700 million pesos, for a road that will include four lanes, a bike path, overpasses, pedestrian bridges and transportation stops; in addition to dignifying access to the Sanctuary of Atotonilco.

A project will also be analyzed to make an access from Jalpa and Juriquilla to San Miguel de Allende, in a joint effort of the State Government and the Municipality.

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“This six-year term we will invest more than ten billion pesos in San Miguel de Allende, this is something that has never been seen in the history of the State Government”, said Rodriguez Vallejo. “Count on our support because more things are coming to San Miguel de Allende and we will continue working with you,” said the Governor.

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