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‘Rule of Law makes Guanajuato competitive’

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‘Rule of Law makes Guanajuato competitive’

Giving priority to the interest of citizens and the benefit of society allows for reaching agreements in favour of the community: Governor The ord

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Giving priority to the interest of citizens and the benefit of society allows for reaching agreements in favour of the community: Governor

The ordinary session period of the LXVI Legislature of the State Congress begins

Guanajuato/Gto News

“One of the strengths that Guanajuato is recognized for as part of its competitive advantages is the stability provided by the validity of the Rule of Law; the State offers certainty and generates trust, something of which we should be very proud”, said the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

The Governor was at the Solemn Session of installation and opening of the first ordinary session of the first year of constitutional exercise of the LXVI Legislature of the Congress of Guanajuato.

“In this space, the different political forces are represented in order to fulfill the three major functions that this Power is entrusted with, which are to legislate, supervise and represent. Guanajuato looks forward to the beginning of this new Legislature”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

“Here we have experience, knowledge, talent and, above all, a great love for our State,” said the Governor.

This Legislature, added the Governor, will have to meet various challenges in the short term in its leadership, such as legal harmonization, analysis and willingness to engage in dialogue among its members.

“May the work carried out here by this sovereignty be the platform for Guanajuato to reach the next level of its development and for families to have a better quality of life. Congratulations and best wishes to each member of this legislature”, said the Governor.

The Board of Directors was integrated by:

  • Representative Rolando Fortino Alcantar Rojas, as President
  • Representatives; Miriam Reyes Carmona, as Vice President
  • Noemi Márquez Marquez, as First Secretary
  • Rocio Cervantes Barba, as Second Secretary
  • Sandra Alicia Pedroza Orozco, as Deputy Secretary

Following the installation of the Board of Directors elected in the LXVI Legislature, the first ordinary session period was opened, where the integration of parliamentary groups of the party factions that make up the Legislature was presented.

The LXVI Legislature is made up of 36 legislators, 19 are women and 17 are men; all coming from 7 different political parties.

“I am sure that this Legislature will do a great job on behalf of the families of Guanajuato, doing its part to ensure that Guanajuato continues to advance, so that its people have more and better opportunities, and so that we have the legal framework demanded by the new times,” said the Governor.