The new subject provides young students with a window to technological innovation Young students are motivated to learn robotics Robotics is no
The new subject provides young students with a window to technological innovation

Robotics is now a reality for students of basic level, which gives them an innovative opportunity of education
Irapuato/Gto News
Scientific and technological practices at the basic education level are a challenge for students, said Francisco Javier Villanueva Robledo, one of the founding teachers of the program at the Technical Secondary School No. 60 in Irapuato.

Allies in Education
“In these times of confinement caused by the Covid 19 pandemic education has taken science and technology as allies to strengthen the teaching-learning process of thousands of girls, boys and teenagers from Guanajuato”, said Villanueva, who teaches Mathematics.
It was in 2017 that the director of the School, profesor Humberto Juarez Godinez, invited Villanueva to the Project of Educative Robotics.

Great results
“These three years have been great, for example we have passed for two consecutive years to the National Competition of Education Robotics WER, and we won a first national place and the direct pass to the international tournament WER 2019 which was held in China and we represented Guanajuato and Mexico”, said Villanueva.
Based in the good results, the school opened a class of Robotics, and provides follow up to students in their competencies and even more, through the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato (SEG), teachers and students are assisted and trained in robotics at the CECYTE and CBTIS 65, both schools in Irapuatro.

Learning and teaching
Today science and technology are part of a new culture among young students of Secondary School. “These times demand this actions from us, today the educational project of our students is immersed in innovation, in creativity. Today it is our chance as teachers to face the challenge and go on with our own education and at the same time teach our young students”, said Villanueva.
Better prepared students
The distance that once was everywhere between science and technology and basic education is today disolved with efforts like this by the SEG because now more and more science and technology activities are even more necessary in basic education, and now its perception changes and competencies of our young students increase in science and technological development.

A program of the State
For SEG the development of mindfacture is important, this is a program promoted by the Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, and his efforts are being materialized with efforts like that of profesor Villanueva and his students, as well as by other schools that today have an important advance in robotics in Guanajuato.