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Results of CONFIA are explained to Local Representatives

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Results of CONFIA are explained to Local Representatives

In a short time, Guanajuato achieved a 12.9% decrease in intentional homicides, a 143% increase in arrests and the strengthening of operational intel

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In a short time, Guanajuato achieved a 12.9% decrease in intentional homicides, a 143% increase in arrests and the strengthening of operational intelligence

Members of the Governing and Political Coordination Board acknowledged the positive results of the CONFIA strategy

Silao/Gto News

The Secretary of Security and Peace, Juan Mauro Gonzalez Martinez, presented to Representatives that make up the Governing Board and Political Coordination of the Congress of Guanajuato the progress of the Operational Coordination strategy of the New Anti-Crime Intelligence Force -CONFIA-, a model designed to respond efficiently to the security needs of the population and transform the security landscape in Guanajuato.

Representing Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, the Secretary of Government, Jorge Daniel Jimenez Lona, who heads the “Guanajuato is Calm” Axis, noted the support and coordination provided by the People’s Government to each of the 46 municipalities in terms of security.

Jimenez said that “the Governor has instructed us to stay close and communicate directly, and we have made that clear from the first day of government: to work with support and strategy.”

The head of Security and Peace, Juan Mauro González Martínez, stressed that the CONFIA strategy prioritizes regionalization to respond to the needs of the 10 zones of the state.

Gonzalez noted the creation of the Anti-Extortion Squad, the strengthening of operational intelligence through new areas such as the State Intelligence Center and the Undersecretary of Operational Intelligence, as well as the Phoenix Prevention Program.

Finally, Secretary of Government Jorge Jimenez Lona thanked each member of the Governing Board for the space for dialogue for the benefit of Guanajuatenses, with the commitment to continue working as a team with society and all areas of government.

The explanation of the CONFIA strategy and its results were well received by the Representatives who make up the Governing and Political Coordination Board.

They also expressed their willingness to promote reforms and legislative tools that strengthen the functioning of the Secretary of Security and Peace and the public security forces.

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