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Report and Commitment

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Report and Commitment

Governor of Guanajuato endorses his commitment to support the development of Leon Mayor of Leon presented her First Government Report Da click

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Governor of Guanajuato endorses his commitment to support the development of Leon

Mayor of Leon presented her First Government Report

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Leon/Gto News

The State Government allocated more than 1,385 million pesos for the benefit of the Leonese population in the last year, as stated by the Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, in the First Government Report of Mayor of Leon, Alejandra Gutierrez Campos.


The mentioned resources were used in 290 works and more than 135 thousand actions that represent significant advances in the progress of Leon by strengthening:

  • Road, education and health infrastructure
  • Rehabilitation of rural roads
  • Urbanization of streets and the introduction of basic services in neighborhoods and communities
  • Support for students, housing, productive projects
  • Among other actions
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“This First Government Report has been an intense year of work, effort and dedication of a joint work of society and government to get ahead and take Leon and its people to the next level of development”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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“It has been a year of enthusiasm and passion to serve, of efforts to build a better present and future for everyone”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo
Governor of Guanajuato

Alejandra Gutiérrez Campos, mayor of Leon, thanked the support of the State Government and called on citizens to leave differences behind and work towards coincidences to make a better city.

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Among the works done from 2021 to 2022, it was informed in the Report by Alejandra Gutierrez there are programs for the improvement of housing for an investment of more than 9.9 million pesos; many actions of innovation, entrepreneurship and productive projects for more than 26.2 million; job training, for more than 19.3 million; delivery of Grandeza Coupons for more than 9.1 million.

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This year, said the Governor, 76 works for more than one thousand 82 million pesos will be started, of which, 894.3 million are State resources and 187.7 million are from the Municipality.

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Some of the next works, explained the Governor, will be the construction of Timoteo Lozano Boulevard from the Tajo de Santa Ana to Mayorazgo Boulevard; the construction of the bridge over Morelos Boulevard at the junction with Talabarteros Boulevard; the modernization of the Malecon del Rio 2nd and 3rd stages.

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“In the State Government we continue to invest to make of Leon a city with a human face, friendly with the environment, with its inhabitants and full of greatness”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

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“With facts and results of community benefit, the State Government demonstrates its support for the municipality and its commitment to its inhabitants. As Governor I am proud of this great city, which is also where I was born”

Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo
Governor of Guanajuato

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