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Reinforced, zero tolerance to violence against women

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Reinforced, zero tolerance to violence against women

The People's Government presents its Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy, as well as the Protocol to Prevent and also address the workplace violen

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The People’s Government presents its Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy, as well as the Protocol to Prevent and also address the workplace violence, harassment and sexual harassment

“In Guanajuato we guarantee the protection of human rights and the dignity of every person”: Itzel Balderas, Director of IMUG

Silao/Gto News

In the commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the Government of the People presented its Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy, as well as the Protocol to Prevent and Address Workplace Violence, Harassment and Sexual Harassment in the Public Administration of the State of Guanajuato.

The Equality and Non-Discrimination Policy focuses on:

  • Preventing, addressing and sanctioning discrimination, mistreatment, workplace violence, harassment and sexual harassment, in addition to guaranteeing respect for and protection of human rights, as well as equal employment, pay and opportunities, in addition to inclusive, accessible and non-sexist communication

The Protocol to Prevent and Address Workplace Violence, Harassment and Sexual Harassment defines how authorities should act to respond to any violation in this area, which will allow for a work environment free of violence and with a gender perspective.

These documents were presented during the Third Ordinary Joint Session of the State Council to Prevent, Address, Punish and Eradicate Violence Against Women and the State System for Equality between Women and Men.

The event was attended by representatives of the powers and heads of City Councils, as well as members of the state cabinet, state and municipal public servants and links to the labor equality committees.

Representing Governor Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, Secretary of Government Jorge Daniel Jimenez Lona said that these documents are guidelines to facilitate decision-making, adding: “The next step is to comply with them, always, in all areas and every day, because guaranteeing equality and confronting violence against women is a task for each person. You, as heads and collaborators of your respective departments, must promote, reinforce and set an example in the application of the policy, protocol and values ​​that support it.”

The Director General of IMUG, Itzel Balderas, respectfully urged the Cabinet members to provide support to their Committees for Labor Equality, Non-Discrimination and ombudsperson figures, responsible for applying the Protocol, so that they can carry out their function properly.

“For the Government of the People, guaranteeing human rights and protecting the dignity of every person represents a principle that must govern all of us. The Policy and the Protocol are two tools that allow us to fulfill the mandate of our governor, Libia Denisse, and her vision that guides the actions of this Government,” said Balderas.

These documents, aligned with the Decalogue of the Government of the People, which establishes zero tolerance to corruption, workplace violence, harassment and sexual harassment, will be published in the Official Journal of the Government of the State of Guanajuato and become mandatory for all persons who are part of the state public administration.