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Regulatory improvement advances in Guanajuato

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Regulatory improvement advances in Guanajuato

The policy of regulatory improvement strengthens the local economy, attracting investments, generating and preserving jobs The State Administratio

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The policy of regulatory improvement strengthens the local economy, attracting investments, generating and preserving jobs

The State Administration promotes the competitiveness of municipalities by simplifying procedures, services and regulations

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Irapuato/Gto News

The state advances in Regulatory Improvement by consolidating 39 Municipal Urban Development and Ecological and Territorial Planning Programs –PMDUOET- in order to increase the competitiveness of the State and its Municipalities.


The current State Administration of Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo promotes administrative simplification and regulation of procedures and services to improve the quality of life of Guanajuatenses.

The head of the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, Ramon Alfaro Gomez said that these actions strengthen the regulatory framework of the municipalities in which these Programs have been implemented.

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Alfaro Gomez added that “by optimizing the public procedures, we contribute to strengthening the local economy, attracting investments, generating and preserving jobs, as well as encouraging an environment that helps business”.

The PMDUOET are instruments for the sustainable development process of municipalities based on an induced balance between natural resources, productive activities, environmental conditions and human settlements.

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The State Government, through the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development –SDES-, promotes the competitiveness of Guanajuato and its companies through regulatory improvement, facilitating the acceleration of procedures and services, and administrative simplification.

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