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Recognized, social-labor responsibility in companies

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Recognized, social-labor responsibility in companies

The Undersecretary of Labor and Social Welfare awards Companies with Socio-Labor Responsibility Certification 144 micro, small, medium and large c

Compliance with labor law is verified
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The Undersecretary of Labor and Social Welfare awards Companies with Socio-Labor Responsibility Certification

144 micro, small, medium and large companies will be recognized

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Guanajuato/Gto News

In order to promote responsible practices in the workplaces of the State of Guanajuato, the Undersecretary of Labor and Social Welfare will hold the fifteenth edition of the award of the Certification as Companies with Socio-Labor Responsibility 2022.  

Clases master

For this edition, 144 companies that complied with the certification process will be recognized, certificates will be delivered in their 3 levels, valid for one year for levels 1 and 2 and 3 years for level 3.

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The Certification model for Companies with Socio-Labor Responsibility has 9 guiding axes, which are related to the functional areas of the company, the personnel that work in it and its contact with the community in which it operates.

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Strategies are implemented that function in the axis of:

  • Central ideology; working conditions and social security; communication and cooperation; belonging and satisfaction; dignity of employment; skills development and workplace harassment

These are focused on reviewing the physical and verbal interaction, the conditions of actually working within the company, the actions that the company executes in favor of the lives of the employees to generate a sense of belonging and satisfaction for the achievements obtained and recognition in the company.

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They also highlight the axes of participation with the community and connection with the environment, which are oriented towards the actions and impacts of the company in the community in which it operates in matters of social, cultural, educational and natural environment.

The Certification as a Company with Social and Labor Responsibility for the State Government has been essential to promote the development of workers, their job security; as well as productivity and productivity of the workplace.

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Any company operating in Guanajuato can access this socio-labor recognition, it must belong to the industrial, commercial or service sectors and its size can be micro, small, medium and large. 

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