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Recognized, excellence of graduates of TecNM Purisima

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Recognized, excellence of graduates of TecNM Purisima

The National Association of Faculties and Schools of Engineering -ANFEI- recognizes excellence of graduates of the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon

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The National Association of Faculties and Schools of Engineering -ANFEI- recognizes excellence of graduates of the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

One of the “Best Engineering Graduates in the Country” is Angel Daniel Munoz Meza, a graduate of the Industrial Engineering Major at the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon.

Clases master

The student was honored during the Fiftieth National Engineering Conference held at the TecNM Campus Irapuato by the National Association of Faculties and Schools of Engineering -ANFEI-, “For his effort, dedication, good results and outstanding performance during his years in the TecNM Campus Purisima del Rincon”.

TecNM Purisima del Rincon Excellence

Angel Daniel graduated in 2022 and during his stay at this institution he participated in Innovation projects, he was recognized each semester for being the best average of his class and the subjects he likes the most are Calculus, Statistics, Algorithms, Programming Language and English, while artistically he stands out in music, drawing and his preferance for literature and general history.

Thanks to his comprehensive training as a professional, the company where he currently works sent him to England to support the manufacture of electrical harnesses for the BMW brand Mini Cooper F56Bev as part of the “BMW Production Planning” team at Kromberg & Schubert.

Angel Daniel is originally from the municipality of San Francisco del Rincon, he attended high school at CBTIS 139 specialized in Programming and in addition to being an outstanding professional, he is described by his teachers as creative, analytical, ethical and committed to the sustainable development of society.

The Head of the Industrial Engineering Division of the TecNM Campus Purisima, Master Guillermo Garcia Rodriguez commented that it is a pride to have students and graduates who excel in different fields and levels, especially for inspiring future generations to leave a mark and continue preparing professionally.

TecNM Purisima del Rincon Excellence 3

“The graduates of Industrial Engineering, develop and apply their knowledge in the areas of advanced manufacturing, quality and productivity”, said the General Director of the TecNM Purisima del Rincon campus, Master Jose Ricardo Narvaez Ramirez.

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