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Purisima presents La Judea 2024

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Purisima presents La Judea 2024

La Judea celebrates 151 years in Purisima del Rincon, with a presentation that Officials expect will surpass previous numbers Da click en el link

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La Judea celebrates 151 years in Purisima del Rincon, with a presentation that Officials expect will surpass previous numbers

Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

La Judea is now a national and international tradition of 151 years celebrated during the Holy Week.

The enactment is held in downtown Purisima del Rincon, under the guidelines of the Hermenegildo Bustos Board to whom Mayor of Purisima, Roberto Garcia Urbano thanked for their dedication to preserve and maintain alive this tradition since Purisimenses are born until their adulthood.

The program of La Judea of Purisima del Rincon, was presented in a press c0nference, where Frida Ximena Huett Lopez, the Director of Tourism Products and representative of the SECTUR Gto, said that the love for customs and traditions mark the environment in this City and the presence of La Judea.

It was announced that La Judea will be enacted in Guanajuato City on March 23rd, just as it occurred last year, and then it will be enacted in Purisima del Rincon during the Holy Week, where the sound of the whip is all present to announce the end of the Lent and the arrival of the Holy Week.

The main events of La Judea occur March 27th to the 29th, and a solitary drummer goes around the streets to announce that the celebration is coming.

Roberto Garcia Urbano, the Mayor of Purisima del Rincon, said that besides the official La Judea of the adults, this year there will also be a formally organized childrens Judea, the actors of the children´s Judea will be presented soon.

The City´s Government has 2 week of hard work with services and attention to visitors who come to visit and enjoy the culture, traditions and gastronomy of Purisima del Rincon.

La Judea Purisima Guanajuato 3

All participants and witnesses are invited to keep hydrated, cover up and protect from the sun, wear a face-mask in case they need to protect themselves and enjoy happily their stay in Purisima del Rincon.

After the presentation of La Judea in the House of Culture, Officials presented 3 inflatable ballons in the shape of La Judea masks, the ballons are 5 meters high and they will be taken to important locations to promote this national and international Purisimense tradition, the ballons have the likeness of the Major Devil, the Black Jude and the White Jude.

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