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Purisima is promoted as a top destination

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Purisima is promoted as a top destination

History, museums, natural environment, arts and crafts and gastronomy, the Touristic Villa named by UNO and more, are part of the offer of Purisima d

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History, museums, natural environment, arts and crafts and gastronomy, the Touristic Villa named by UNO and more, are part of the offer of Purisima del Rincon that is presented as one important option of tourism and stay

Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

Purisima is on tour, and is promoted as a vacation and recreational touristic destination with its attractions, among them, the Best World Touristic Villa named by the UNO, that is, the Magic Town of Jalpa de Canovas; its traditions, gastronomy, typical candy, arts and crafts and quality service, all linked to the programs of the Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato that promotes all of Guanajuato in Mexico and the world.

Tourism Officials of Guanajuato visited the Plaza Hospicio Cabanas in Guadalajara, Jalisco; there, personnel of the Municipal Direction of Tourism of Purisima del Rincon, headed by Roberto Camargo, set up a stand to show what visitors can find in Purisima and explain how to enjoy these attractions.

These promotion actions are directed by Mayor of Purisima, Roberto Garcia Urbano, so that his administration closes with an intense promotion of this land of “limes and a thousand blossoms” as a tourist destination to stay in.

This is done because Purisima has natural treasures in many more places like Canada de Negros, and all the tourist corridor in the area, including in the zone with the Natural Protected Area of the Cerro del Palenque, El Caracol with its panoramic view; in gastronomy Purisima has the oven gorditas to have a great morning start; it has premises to do outdoor sports, museums, history, the tradition of La Judea and its story, told in different museums, and more.

In the event also participating were artisans, creators of the masks used in la Judea; there were live characters of this tradition; products made in Jalpa de Canovas like quince liquor, walnut, mazapan candy, cardboard dolls, craft earrings and more.

This is the second promotion event of the Secretary of Tourism where Purisima is participating. The first was in May in Mexico City with History Channel.

Camargo said that with different promotion strategies of the Municipality, they are promoting artisans, local craft products, gastronomy, museums, hotels and more, since these elements are the ones that generate an economic spending that benefits the economy in Purisima del Rincon.

According to Camargo, the presentation was well received, mainly in the crafts since they are quality products. Besides Purisima del Rincon, in this promotion tour also participating with their own stand were Dolores Hidalgo, Penjamo, San Miguel de Allende and Celaya among other.