The First Regional Seminar of the Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies -CALEA- Mexico is held in Guanajuato Participants analyze the best pract
The First Regional Seminar of the Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies -CALEA- Mexico is held in Guanajuato
Participants analyze the best practices and quality standards for State and City public security agencies in Mexico
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Silao/Gto News
As part of the First Regional Seminar of the Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies -CALEA- Mexico, the Secretary of Government, Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo, representing the Governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, emphasized that in Guanajuato public security is a priority.

“We are fighting crime firmly and in coordination with the Federation and the Municipalities, we know that, to give the best results, three fundamental elements are required: inter-institutional coordination, local attention and accreditation”, said the Secretary of Government.

“The three factors allow us to constantly train ourselves to guarantee the security of Guanajuatenses, and we have done so throughout the administration headed by our Governor, a man committed to the peace of Guanajuato”, noted Libia Dennise.
The Secretary of Government highlighted that so far in this Administration, these actions have been reflected in the more than 800 million pesos invested through the Municipal Public Security Strengthening Fund, to attend to the training, infrastructure and gear of the local police.

Garcia Munoz Ledo pointed out the commitment of the State to have institutions with the best practices and that establish quality standards, for this reason, Garcia endorsed the accreditation of the training and certification programs, by the Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies -CALEA- which has been maintained since 2017.
Garcia Munoz Ledo received the Triple Arc Award for Excellence, for having accredited at once the General Commissary of the State Public Security Forces, the C5i State System and the State Public Security Training Institute.

“In Guanajuato, we are a State at the forefront, with security institutions that comply with regulations endorsed by international instututions. In Guanajuato, the peace and tranquility of families is built every day, ensuring that the rule of law is applied and with full respect for human rights”, said the Secretary.
The Secretary of Public Security, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca Appendini, stressed that it is the first time that a Mexican Public Security Agency has hosted an event of this nature and it is only comparable to the model of the Conferences that are held in the United States of America.

“CALEA considers the Secretary of Public Security of Guanajuatro as a successful Agency, there are few Agencies that have the Tri-Arc or Triple Arc Award for Excellence, and Guanajuato has it”, said Cabeza de Vaca.
“The Secretary of Public Security of Guanajuato participates in the three CALEA Programs through the State Police, the Communications Center of the C5i State System and the INFOSPE Police Academy”, said Appendini.

The State Police is Accredited at the Advanced Level, which implies that more standards must be met, said Cabeza de Vaca.
“In Guanajuato, the CALEA Accreditation for the State Police, the C5i Communications System and the INFOSPE Academy, is a very important tool in the implementation of public policies on public security”, said the Secretary.
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