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Protection of nature is recognized

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Protection of nature is recognized

Guanajuato is recognized for its action in the conservation of biodiversity It is one of only three states in Mexico that received this recognitio

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Guanajuato is recognized for its action in the conservation of biodiversity

It is one of only three states in Mexico that received this recognition from the international group Regions With Nature

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Guanajuato/Gto News

Guanajuato was recognized for its restoration actions for the conservation of biodiversity.

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Our State is one of the only three in Mexico that received this recognition from the international working group Regions With Nature, a global association that supports the work of regions and subnational governments, to promote the restoration of ecosystems, conservation of biodiversity, and nature-based solutions at the local level.

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This recognition was given to the Secretary for the Environment and Territorial Planning, Maria Isabel Ortiz Mantilla, during the international launch of the interactive platform, Regions With Nature, within the program of the World Summit of Cities and Regions, at the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity COP15.

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The projects currently being executed by SMAOT in Guanajuato have generated positive effects in ecological restoration, private investment in ecosystem-based climate change adaptation measures, nature-based solutions, and green recovery, these are goals that are part of the new Global Framework of Biodiversity Post 2020.

Regions With Nature is a United Nations-recognized platform for biodiversity work in States, Provinces, and Territories, where governments can meet and learn.

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As part of the activities led by the head of SMAOT at COP 15, for example she participated in the bilateral meeting with representatives of the German Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection -BMUV-.

They reviewed the results of the cooperation between Germany and the Government of Guanajuato in the field of Tourism and Climate Change –Adaptur-; Circular Economy, Transport, Energy, Electromobility and Biodiversity.

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The SMAOT will seek an alliance to present a project to the German IKI initiative by 2023, and the invitation was received to be part of the Berlin Process, -an initiative that aims to add the regions to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework-, due to the leadership that Guanajuato currently has at the national level on environmental issues.

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