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Promoting Guanajuato in USA

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Promoting Guanajuato in USA

On a working tour of the US, the Governor presents to Peter Nam, CEO of Gunther Werks, the competitive advantages of Guanajuato for possible new inve

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On a working tour of the US, the Governor presents to Peter Nam, CEO of Gunther Werks, the competitive advantages of Guanajuato for possible new investments

The company specializes in the use of advanced technology for Porsche

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California/Gto News

Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, held a work meeting with Peter Nam, CEO and founder of the company Gunther Werks, with the purpose of continuing to attract new investments for Guanajuato.


The Governor explained what Guanajuato represents in the automotive industry, where it has positioned itself as the most important Automotive Cluster in Latin America, as well as its economic potential, in which it ranks as the sixth most important State in this area in Mexico.

Guanajuato USA California Gunther Werks 3

Rodriguez Vallejo presented the competitive advantages of Guanajuato to develop investment, proof of this is that the six-year foreign investment goal of 5 billion dollars has already been exceeded.

Guanajuato USA California Gunther Werks 4

Guanajuato offers certainty, trust, direction and transparency, and has an excellent geographical location, as well as logistics and, above all, a high quality and qualified personnel, said the Governor.

Guanajuato USA California Gunther Werks 5

Gunther Werks specializes in the use of advanced technology for Porsche.

The automotive industry has more than 3,250 economic units in Mexico that provide direct employment to more than 1’290,000 people.

Guanajuato USA California Gunther Werks 6

Guanajuato ranks:

  • 2nd in production value and added value
  • 3rd in employed personnel
  • 5th in economic units in Mexico

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