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Progress is real in the NorthWest of Guanajuato

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Progress is real in the NorthWest of Guanajuato

Secretary of SEDESHU inaugurates rehabilitated roads in San Felipe and Ocampo Da click en el link al final de la nota para leer en español:

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Secretary of SEDESHU inaugurates rehabilitated roads in San Felipe and Ocampo

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San Felipe/Gto News

From the Government of the State of Guanajuato through the Secretary of Social and Human Development -SEDESHU- the delivery of infrastructure works in Guanajuato is maintained.


Secretary Libia Dennise led the inauguration of Avenida Juarez in the Santa Catarina community, led by Mayor of San Felipe, Eduardo Maldonado.

This work consisted of paving the road in its second stage and the restoration of the drinking water network and household intakes, with resources of the State and the Municipality of more than one million pesos.

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Eduardo Rodriguez thanked for making what was once a dream come true and stressed that “if the State Government, Municipal Government and society unite, we can continue advancing; today we are inaugurating this process and at the end of the day it gives a better image to our community”.

At the Los Zapotes neighborhood the Los Martinez street was inaugurated, today it is paved with hydraulic concrete and in addition to the settlers, it directly benefits the students of the ‘Himno Nacional’ and ‘Francisco Villa’ schools who will be able to move freely and safe.

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The Secretary Libia Dennise reiterated that “it is not just delivering stone, delivering concrete, delivering our sidewalks, or the rehabilitation of the sewage, it is, and you will not let me lie, the opportunity for our families to be better, for our children to have a safe space to travel to their school, that the ladies who go with their a stroller can go on a sidewalk that is safe”.

In Ocampo at the San Juan Bosco neighborhood and with Mayor Erick Montemayor, Libia inaugurated the first stage of rehabilitation of San Martin street.

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This intervention represents the improvement of access to the El Saucito recreational park and the connectivity between this municipality and Ojuelos in the state of Jalisco.

“I am very pleased that you are in the Secretary and that you go along this route, because you have the trajectory of having legislated, of being aware of all of Guanajuato and that you know the entire State because at the end of the day we are very diverse, the fact that you come today, now if you walk the municipalities with your feet on the ground, that you know first hand how we live, and the families, how well they take each of the actions that we do today gives us great pleasure ”, said the Mayor.

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Then in the La Tinaja community, the paving of Lazaro Cardenas street was delivered as part of the urbanization of the town, where the accompaniment of the countrymen who today reside in the United States was highlighted; with this rehabilitation, access to the town and the public square were improved.

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