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Productos GTO now at Mercado Libre

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Productos GTO now at Mercado Libre

The presence of Marca GTO and Guanajuatense products has grown in different platforms and digital venues More promotion for Productos GTO This

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The presence of Marca GTO and Guanajuatense products has grown in different platforms and digital venues

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More promotion for Productos GTO

This is the answer of Authorities and producers to the need of a successful and safe economic reactivation

Irapuato/Gto News

The Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development (SDES), launches the oficial store –Compra GTO- in the platform of online sales Mercado Libre, to support those companies that are already part of compragto.com or that have the badge “Marca GTO” and that don’t have a virtual store.


Reactivation of the economy

Mauricio Usabiaga Diaz Barriga the Secretary of Sustainable Economic Development, said that these actions are parte of the plan announced by the Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, in order to help in the reactivation of the economy in Guanajuato and support the recovery of the economy of companies and of all of the State.

The goal is to have all the Guanajuatense products in a single store where potential buyers can find what they are looking for, in an amount that may reach the same number of products as are offered in a physical form, Marca Guanajuato alone has more than 30 thousand articles.

Another goal is that the Guanajuatense brands are benefited by the projection of being in a digital store that gives certainty, and a large scope of customers with whom to do business.

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Products from Guanajuato are offered in more digital stores

Becoming a Compra GTO member

The process to be part of the official store –Compra GTO- in Mercado Libre is going to https://bit.ly/38l43Q4 and fill the format to start the integration process, and you should consider the following:

Already be a seller at Mercado Libre, your seller account should be as a company, when you become a member of the oficial store CompraGto all your products are included in this oficial store.

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More possibilities

Also SDES, through Mipyme Digital and entrepreneurship of the Under Secretary of Support to MiPymes has the WhatsApp number 4776468733 for more information.

Marca GTO is positioning itself in different platforms and showcase sites making of Guanajuato a pride for Mexico.

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Buy Productos GTO at Mercado Libre

Be part of the store Compra GTO in Mercado Libre go to:

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