In coordination with the business community of all productive sectors, jobs are strengthened and protected Guanajuato has a strong and solid econo
In coordination with the business community of all productive sectors, jobs are strengthened and protected
Guanajuato has a strong and solid economy with more than 269 thousand economic units
Irapuato/Gto News
Guanajuato is consolidating itself as a strong and resilient economy thanks to the competitiveness of its installed productive capacity, with more than 269 thousand economic units that drive growth and job creation in the State.

The People’s Government headed by Libia Dennise Garcia Munoz Ledo maintains a direct line of communication with chambers and business organizations to work in a coordinated manner in defining public policies that leads the private initiative to generate and preserve jobs.

At the head of the Ministry of Economy, Claudia Cristina Villasenor Aguilar maintains active listening and permanent work meetings with chambers and business organizations to create prosperity ecosystem strategies that trigger an industrial connection, commercial linkage and exportable supply in the State.
Guanajuato has a robust and diversified productive structure, with key players in strategic sectors that have demonstrated strength and resilience, as well as great flexibility and adaptation to international markets.

The sector works to create more professional and competitive local companies with strategies and programs such as:
- MIPYMES con Todo
- Marca Guanajuato 2.0
- “Tu Puedes” financial institution

Cristina Villasenor has held meetings with the main business associations and chambers with female representation among them:
- The Mexican Association of Women Business Leaders (AMMJE), with chapters in Irapuato and Celaya
- The Mexican Association of Businesswomen (AMEXME), with representation in Silao-Romita, Salamanca and Leon
- 10 Thousand Women for Mexico
- Women Leaders in Guanajuato

Participating in the industrial and commercial sector are:
- The National Chamber of the Transformation Industry (CANACINTRA) with delegations in Irapuato and Leon
- The National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (CANACO SERVYTUR), delegations in Irapuato and Celaya
- The Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (COPARMEX), with representation in Irapuato and Celaya and León, among other
Finally, in the field of entrepreneurship and innovation also partricipate the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Irapuato, the Business Circle and the organization Women in Mining (WIM), dedicated to the participation of women in the mining industry.
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