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Presenting ‘Live With No Addictions’

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Presenting ‘Live With No Addictions’

The “Live with no Addictions” Congress will showcase success stories in various communities in Guanajuato Leon/Gto News The International Congr

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The “Live with no Addictions” Congress will showcase success stories in various communities in Guanajuato

Leon/Gto News

The International Congress Live with no  Addictions is held this Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November 29, at Poliforum Leon, with the participation of 2 thousand citizens who have had successful experiences in preventing addictions and promoting healthy lifestyles in their communities.

More than 30 presentations are programmed at the Vive sin Adicciones Congress, with national and international speakers and experts.

In addition, there will be “Living Libraries”, meeting spaces where a group of people become “open books” and spaces for dialogue to exchange experiences.

Daniel Cortes Alcala, Secretary of Health, said that several high-performance and Olympic-class athletes will present their experiences in a panel on leisure time management; among other they will have the presentation of Donovan Carrillo, a high-performance ice skater with international projection.

The testimonies of Mrs. Nora Guzman Orozco, who is part of the CBTIS 217 Uriangato orchestra live without addictions, and the director Enrique Gonzalez Puga stand out at the congress.

Gabriel Cortes said that the Congress will discuss the most important achievements of the prevention strategy, as well as the guidelines for a new evolution, with an emphasis on marginalized areas and those oriented towards social development.

The implementation of protective factors in the family and the way to promote barriers in risk factors will be presented, as well as more activities to occupy free time such as sports, cultural and leisure activities.

Access to the “Live without Addictions 2024” conference is free and it is held on November 28 and 29 at Poliforum Leon.

Online registration is open at:

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