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Preschool children celebrate 200 Years of Greatness

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Preschool children celebrate 200 Years of Greatness

The Education community of Preschool children of Guanajuato celebrates 200 years of Greatness and Tradition of Guanajuato Salamanca/Gto News An

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The Education community of Preschool children of Guanajuato celebrates 200 years of Greatness and Tradition of Guanajuato

Salamanca/Gto News

An artistic and cultural event was held with the participation of some 200 students of the 15 educational centers that make up Zone 94 of Preschool Sector 14.

This event was celebrated as part of the celebrations of the 200 years of greatness of Guanajuato as a Free and Sovereign State.

“Guanajuato, celebrates 200 years of greatness, of being a free and sovereign State, a protagonist in history, one of the most important entities in Mexico, for this reason, we have joined forces: directors, teachers, students, as well as parents to have this festival,” said the teacher, María Yulia Núñez Rico, supervisor, of Preschool Education Zone 94.

The teacher, Ma. de los Ángeles Bolaños Prado, head of Preschool Sector 14, stated that the event strengthens student learning, “so the activity is aligned with this purpose of improving the teaching-learning processes at the preschool level,” she highlighted.

Francisco Daniel Rendón Contreras, coordinator of Educational Development of Delegation IV, on behalf of the head of that Region, Juan Luis Saldaña López, stated: “it is a pleasure to see the work the students do, these presentations, which strengthen their skills and Their cognitive level is a reflection of the pedagogical work they receive in their schools”.

The artistic-cultural exhibition is a way to promote the history, traditions and cultural life of the Municipalities of Guanajuato.

Directors of the 15 Kindergartens in Preschool Zone 94, set up several stands, where crafts from the municipalities selected for this activity were observed.

The activities that were presented were:

  • Dance of the bull, dance of the Salamanca, the parade of the crazy, review and dances with music by José Alfredo Jiménez, pre-Hispanic dance, musical of the shoes, typical dances, dance of the breads of Acámbaro and At the end, the Guanajuato Anthem was sung by the teachers of Preschool Zone 94

The event was held in the auditorium of the South Sports Unit of the city of Salamanca.