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Planet Youth Week kicks off

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Planet Youth Week kicks off

Guanajuato joins the national campaign "If you drug yourself, you get hurt" A week of activities involves the activation and concientization of yo

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Guanajuato joins the national campaign “If you drug yourself, you get hurt”

A week of activities involves the activation and concientization of young students

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Irapuato/Gto News

In the start of Planet Youth Week and the national day “If you drug yourself, you get hurt”, the Secretary of Education of Guanajuato, Jorge Enrique Hernandez Meza, said that, with these actions, they work to strengthen the prevention, protection and comprehensive development of students to avoid risky behaviors.

Clases master

The head of the SEG inaugurated the various activities that will be part of Planet Youth Week, marked in the school calendar and which will take place from June 19 to 23 and will last until June 26 with activities in schools of basic and high school education.

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“Planet Youth, is a public policy program that aims to promote the prevention of drug use in adolescents, through the construction of a support network, monitoring and opportunities for young people, in Guanajuato it is the most important project of the six-year period in addiction care”, said Hernandez Meza.

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Informative, sports, and cultural activities are planned, ranging from conferences, workshops, rallies, webinars, and sports activities, among other, all organized in coordination with the State Health Secretary, the Guanajuato State Sports Commission , sections 13 and 45 of the SNTE and the collaboration of municipal authorities, and parents.   

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Daniel Alberto Diaz Martinez, Secretary of Health and General Director of ISAPEG, presented the directors of Conalep, Campus I in Irapuato, venue of the event, with the Planet Youth Badge, which is a recognition of the collaboration and commitment in the implementation of strategies to prevent the use of addictive substances.

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Diaz Martinez, said that, through this model, the Youth and Well-being survey was applied, in which a total of 62 thousand 931 students were evaluated, from 1 thousand 99 public and private secondary schools in the state, with these results the school communities promote protecting factors that positively impact the development of students.

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The program of activities is at:

  • www.seg.guanajuato.gob.mx/SaludIntegral/SitePages/PlanetYouth.aspx

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