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Planet Youth badges are granted in Purisima

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Planet Youth badges are granted in Purisima

Purisima del Rincon promotes healthy lifestyles for children and adolescents Parents, officials and Authorities have agreed on an action plan for

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Purisima del Rincon promotes healthy lifestyles for children and adolescents

Parents, officials and Authorities have agreed on an action plan for youngsters

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Purisima del Rincon/Gto News

The Health System and the Planet Youth Purisima del Rincon team awarded Planet Youth badges to municipal offices:

  • DIF, General Direction of Planning and Development, COMUDE, Social Communication; one to the Caises, and another to the Community Hospital

“It is a joint effort, the commitment to have good results is from all levels of government,” said Dr. Moises Andrade Quezada, General Coordinator of Public Health; On behalf of Dr. Daniel Diaz Martinez, Secretary of Health of Guanajuato and noted that the Planet Youth strategy involves the entire society so that the results can be observed.

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There are another 25 spaces pre-registered to obtain the Planet Youth Badge, among which are government organizations, sports and/or cultural spaces, and education  del Rinconinstitutions of Purisima.

Andrade Quezada added that Planet Youth is designed to strengthen protective factors, mitigate risk factors, and create healthy community environments for the positive development of young people, focusing on family, friends, and the use of spare time.

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Mayor of Purisima del Rincon, Roberto Garcia Urbano noted the commitment of the administration he heads to reinforce the protection factors that achieve a positive environment for Guanajuatenses.

Garcia Urbano reported that in Purisima del Rincon, a total of 1,027 young people were evaluated in the Youth and Well-Being 2021 survey, in which various risk factors were identified.

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13 work sessions have been held with mothers, fathers and caregivers in the municipality, in which a total of 136 agreements have been established. 

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Among the main agreements are:

  • Establish times for arrival home
  • Guide the decisions of their daughters and sons
  • Show love and affection
  • Be tolerant at every stage of development of youngsters
  • Make a family and individual life project

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