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Operation ‘Heroes Paisanos 2023’ is launched

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Operation ‘Heroes Paisanos 2023’ is launched

Authorities from the three levels of government participate, coordinate actions regarding guidance, security and surveillance, to guarantee the right

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Authorities from the three levels of government participate, coordinate actions regarding guidance, security and surveillance, to guarantee the rights of Mexicans and their families in their transit through Mexico

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Silao/Gto News

The Operation “Heroes Paisanos 2023” started in Guanajuato, with the participation of authorities from the three levels of government, orientation, security and surveillance actions will be implemented in the care of Mexicans and their families who transit through Mexico in this vacation period.


The Secretary of Government, Jesus Oviedo Herrera, representing Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, reiterated the commitment to work in coordination and join efforts so that compatriots and their families have dignified treatment and in accordance with the law for the protection of their physical and patrimonial integrity.

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“In Guanajuato, we will be working in coordination with all government instances to provide comprehensive care to those who visit our State during this vacation period,” said Oviedo.

The Secretary noted that the State Administration, through the Secretariat for Migrants and International Affairs, has as a priority the care of countrymen and their families.

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“We work not only to improve the development of their communities of origin in Guanajuato, we also bring State Government services outside of our borders, which gives identity and legal certainty to our countrymen”, said Oviedo

“We do it with the valuable support of the Migrant Clubs, Casas Guanajuato and consular authorities that are in the United States,” he said.

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The Secretary of Government, through the Directorate of Civil Registry with the implementation of service days, brings registration procedures to our migrants from Guanajuato so that they have documents that guarantee their identity, and provide legal certainty.

The procedures that the countrymen request the most are:

  • The issuance of birth certificates, a document that allows them to carry out the necessary steps to regularize their immigration status, as well as access to social programs 
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The generation of the binational CURP code for those born in the United States who descend from Mexican parents, particularly from Guanajuato, and who prove their Mexican nationality, without the need to move to Mexico or to the municipality of origin of their parents.

“For the Government of Guanajuato, migrants are a fundamental part of our development, since with their efforts they transform many communities with works and actions that are carried out with the support of the State Administration”, noted the Secretary of Government.

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