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Oct 4-10: World Space Week

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Oct 4-10: World Space Week

All countries, institutions, groups, companies, schools, teachers, are invited to attract everybody to space study UN declared just like it do

Heat waves are here to stay, it seems
Portrait of interacting galaxies on Webb’s anniversary
Magellanic Clouds over Chile

All countries, institutions, groups, companies, schools, teachers, are invited to attract everybody to space study

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UN declared just like it does every year next week as the World Space Week


The World Space Week is an international celebration of the contribution of science and technology to improve the human condition. The United Nations declare this week every year on October 4th to the 10th.


Events and education

In the World Space Week there are events and education programs related with space. There are simultaneous events that attract those interested in space and journalists, and this helps bring space information closer to the public.

The dates of the World Space Week commemorate important milestones of space: on October 4th 1957 the Sputnik I was launched to space, it was the first satellite made by man. The Treaty of Outer Space started on October 10th 1967.

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Participation of all

The World Space Week welcomes all, Government Agencies, non profit organizations, teachers and civilians all to celebrate the World Space Week.

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Activities everywhere

People organize public events, school activities, advertising and web pages. To find information programmed in your country visit:


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Promotion of space science

The United Nations organize the World Space Week all over the world with the help of the International Association of the World Space Week with national coordinators in many countries all over the world.

World Space Week is the ideal moment for professors to promote Math, Science and other subjects among students. To help professors they have the site:


where they can find a Teacher’s Activities Guide.

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At school

Schools can also hold events to involve parents and the community, to have them be part of their activities. The International Association of the World Space Week will grant awards to teachers and students for their activities and recognize the winners in a world gala.

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Everyone is invited to:

  • Organize an event during the World Space Week
  • Help in the organization of the World Space Week in your country, state or city. Coordinators invite organizations, maintain events and inform on what they have planned
  • Ask teachers to work on topics about space during the World Space Week to invite kids to come near to study subjects about space
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In Mexico you can contact the Mexican Space Agency –AEM- which launched the site:


which has information on activities on the event.

Honor to women

On this year’s poster organizers picked 4 milestones in the history of women in space. This year the women that are celebrated are:

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Other women who are remembered and honored are:

  • Margaret Hamilton, who invented the software that made posible the arrival of the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon.
  • Andrea Ghez who developed observation processes to follow the movement of the stars and discovered the black hole in the Milky Way
  • Jessica Meir and Christina Koch who did exploration and space development
  • Katie Bouman and her team who develop the algorithm that made it posible to, for the first time, directly observe a black hole through a photo
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