The Mi Colonia a Color program seeks to improve the environment by renewing the image of residential and social coexistence areas by painting facades
The Mi Colonia a Color program seeks to improve the environment by renewing the image of residential and social coexistence areas by painting facades
24,365 homes and 126 public buildings will be painted with an investment of 59.8 million pesos this year
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Celaya/Gto News
The Governor of Guanajuato, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo, led the start of the ‘Mi Colonia a Color’ program, which seeks to improve the perception of the environment, by renewing the image of residential areas and spaces of social coexistence, through the application of paint on the facades of houses and public buildings.

The program this year:
- A concurrent investment of 59.8 million pesos
- 29.9 million pesos will be contributed by the Municipalities
- 29.9 million will be State contributions

Planned for all the State:
- Paint 1.1 million square meters of facades
- Equivalent to 24 thousand 365 homes
- 126 public buildings
- For the benefit of 24 thousand 491 families

“We all like to live in pleasant spaces that offer a good image to neighbors and visitors as well. We all want to feel proud of the neighborhood or the community in which we live,” said Rodriguez Vallejo.

This State program is part of the Gto Contigo Sí Social Development strategy, one of its goals is for the population to generate a greater sense of identity, belonging and security through more and better spaces for coexistence and family and social development.

This program was applied in 2019 and 2021, in the State level, it benefited:
- 46,484 families
- 45,604 homes
- 371 public buildings
- An investment of 119.2 million pesos
- 60.1 million were contributed by the State
- 59 million pesos by the municipalities
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