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Nano-Biotechnology is a key product in Guanajuato

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Nano-Biotechnology is a key product in Guanajuato

Innovation is the base of development in Guanajuato, said the Governor The Governor headed the launching of NABICRON, a company that does research

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gto news NABICRON irapuato
Innovation is the base of development in Guanajuato, said the Governor

The Governor headed the launching of NABICRON, a company that does research, development and commercialization of nanobiotechonologic products

NABICRON develops products that for example help the skin to heal in case of wounds, scars or infections

Irapuato/ Gto News

“In Guanajuato we bet on innovation to be the engine of growth and development of our State”, said the Governor Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejo.

As he presided over the launching to the market of NABICRON, a company that works with technologies focused in nanobiotechnologic solutions, the Governor said that innovation is the way we should go through in order to have an answer for the challenges of our time.

This company develops products that help stimulate the healing and avoids infections of the skin and they are used in humans and in animals.

“In the Government Program, innovation is one of the four transversal agendas, and one that is receiving a strong impulse because we want to go from manufacture to mind-facture”, said Rodriguez Vallejo.

The Guanajuato we want

“NABICRON, said the Governor, is a good example of the Guanajuato we are building, a more industrial, innovative, competitive and global State”, said the Governor.

Rodriguez Vallejo also shared that it feels good to be at the Innovation Park Agrobioteg, and confirm that in Guanajuato we are stepping firmly to stay at the vanguard.

“In Guanajuato we have one Innovation System, and this is one of the eight technological parks we have in the State. This network of Innovation Parks called “Novaera” has as one of its main goals, serve and support entrepreneurs in their projects of innovation”, noted the Governor.

Guanajuatense talent

Diego Sinhue recognized the Director of NABICRON, Rene Solano Urban, and all the workforce of this company which is formed by young professionals in pharmaceutics and biotechnology, and graduates from the National Politechnic Campus Guanajuato.

“This proves that in Guanajuato we support and develop the talent of our students and professionals, and we are proud that NABICRON is doing research, development and commercialization of nano-biotechnologic prodcts”, said the Governor.

gto news NABICRON nano biotechnology
Innovation is important in Guanajuato

Agrobioteg Park

  • 80 companies of high impact technology
  • 60 innovation projects supported through public and private financing
  • NABICRON is a company that does research, development and commercialization
  • NABICRON offers global solutions in cosmetics, veterinary, industrial, environment and food
  • NABICRON products are made of nano-materials of silver, gold, copper, magnetite and other composites